Is the syntax for this class

t = new_exp(SR, symbolic_expression)?

So that sage: t returns symbolic_expression?

Second, I'm not entirely sure I understand how this patch was made,
let alone how to install it. I skimmed over and
but found the whole thing to be a bit over my head (I'm a newbie,

Is there a series of instructions you could provide me for the
installation of your patch? I'm sure you're very busy, so I really do
appreciate the effort.



On Jul 21, 6:37 am, Burcin Erocal <> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Wed, 20 Jul 2011 17:02:49 -0700 (PDT)
> Steven Pollack <> wrote:
> > I noticed that a thread was developed for this sort of thing (http://
> >
> > d50dc3bc2bdbeab0/34798c0585fc034f?lnk=gst&q=nicolas&fwc=1#), but I'm a
> > newbie, and a lot of it went over my head.
> > Is there a simple to create a subclass of
> > sage.symbolic.expression.Expression?
> The main problem with subclassing Expression is that the result
> returned from arithmetic is hardcoded to be an Expression again.
> I quickly did a search and replace in the sage/symbolics directory to
> pass the new class as an argument to the fast expression constructor
> new_Expression_from_GEx. Here is the patch:
> After applying the patch the following works:
> sage: class new_exp(Expression):
> ....:     pass
> ....:
> sage: t = new_exp(SR, x)
> sage: t
> x
> sage: type(t)
> <class '__main__.new_exp'>
> sage: u = t*t
> sage: type(u)
> <class '__main__.new_exp'>
> sage: u
> x^2
> Hope this helps.
> Burcin

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