Does this bug affect the height algorithm for points on elliptic

On Aug 29, 7:36 pm, dkrumm <> wrote:
> There is a problem with the global_height function for elements of
> number fields. The fix would be very simple, just need to add two
> parentheses to the code. Below is an example of the problem. I'm
> running Sage version 4.7 on Mac OS X version 10.6.8.
> sage: K.<s> = QuadraticField(2)
> sage: s.global_height()
> 0.346573590279973
> sage: (1/s).global_height()
> 0.693147180559945
> This is incorrect since s and 1/s should have the same height. The
> problem is explained in the comments made by the author of the code:
> "The absolute logarithmic height of this number field element; that
> is, the sum of the local heights at all finite and infinite places,
> with the contributions from the infinite places scaled by the degree
> to make the result independent of the parent field."
> However, it is both the arch. and non-arch. contributions that need to
> be scaled by the degree.
> The current code of global_height is :
> self.global_height_non_arch(prec)+self.global_height_arch(prec)/
> self.number_field().absolute_degree()
> The problem would be fixed if this were replaced by:
> (self.global_height_non_arch(prec)+self.global_height_arch(prec))/
> self.number_field().absolute_degree

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