On Fri, Sep 2, 2011 at 3:44 AM, Vince <vincent.kni...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear all,
> If I have a list, how do I obtain the cardinality of the list, the
> command Cardinality() doesn't seem to always work. For example, the
> following code produces a set ComSet of sets of combinations.
> Rows=3
> RowVector=[2,3,2]
> ComSet=[]
> for j in range(Columns):
>    C=Combinations(range(Rows),RowVector[j])
>    ComSet.append(C.list())
> show(ComSet)

What's Columns?

> However using Cardinality() on ComSet does not seem to work:
> ComSet.Cardinality()
> Basically I am looking for the mathematica command "Length".

FYI, most Python and Sage commands start with a lower case. In this
case, however, what you're looking for is len(ComSet). If you have an
object x, type x-dot-tab to see what methods it supports.

> Furthermore how would I be able to map that command on to the elements
> of ComSet?

Use "list comprehensions" (it's a Python thing).

sage: L = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]
sage: [len(a) for a in L]
[3, 2]

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