On 9/3/11 2:15 PM, Anton Sherwood wrote:
In the tutorial:
Alternatively, evaluating c.save('filename.png')
will save the plot to the given file.

I tried it, then searched my disk for the relevant filename
with no result. Is it a bug? What directory ought it to be in?

Jason Grout wrote:
In the notebook, the graphic would be saved in a temporary directory
specific to that cell. The graphic would then be copied to a directory
inside the sage notebook directory tree. If you wanted to save it
somewhere specific from the notebook, use the full path:


Okay, that worked. I'm still curious about the default, tho.
In MacOS might it be somewhere within
/Applications/Sage-4.7.1-OSX-64bit-10.6.app/ ?
or ~/Library/Application Support/ ?

The graphic eventually would end up in your sage notebook, which would be in ~/.sage/sage_notebook.sagenb/. The temporary directory the graphic originally is in would be something like /tmp/something... You can do:

import os
print os.getcwd()

to see the temp directory for a particular cell.



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