I'm trying to decide how and where to install Sage.  I'm hoping you
can all give me some guidance (and that this thread will be useful to
other folks in a similar position).

In the past, I have used Sage in three ways:

1) Via the notebook server at sagenb.org
2) Via an account on one of the research machines at the University of
3) By recruiting an undergraduate student who had installed Linux on a
personal laptop, and talking them into installing Sage and writing
code for me.  This worked well at my previous institution, where all
freshmen have to learn some Python, but is probably not an ideal long-
term solution.

I'm now an assistant professor at a medium-sized, undergraduate-
focused university.  I have recruited two undergrads to do research
with me.  I'd like us all to have access to Sage, including the most
recent version of the toric geometry packages.  My department runs
Windows machines; my personal computer also runs Windows.  I may be
able to persuade a system administrator in computer science to install
Sage for me on one of the computer science Linux machines.  The math
department relies on the university's IT division; we don't have our
own sysadmin support.

Here are some ways I can think of to use Sage:

0) Use sagenb.org on an occasional basis.
1) Find a collaborator with a Sage installation, and talk them into
making accounts for me and my students.
2) Install Sage on my office & personal computer, and make my students
do the same (or put Sage on one of the Windows machines that all math
students have access to).
3) Put Sage on the computer science machine, and obtain user logins
for myself and my two students.  (Would I be able to use packages that
aren't part of the core release without root access?)  How much work
is it to maintain a Sage installation, and what sort of imposition
would this be on computer science?
4) Set up a Sage notebook server in computer science, and let my
students use the machine only via notebooks.  I'm not sure whether
this is slightly more work or slightly less work than (3).
5) Scrounge a PC for my house, figure out how to install Linux on it,
and run Sage.  Make my students install Sage themselves.
6) Scrounge a PC for the math department and install Linux on it.
Persuade the university's IT division to maintain it, or to let me
maintain it.
7) Scrounge a Mac for the math department, and put Sage on it.
Probably easier than (6).  Could I make the Mac into a notebook server
for my students and me?
8) Write a big grant for a research machine for my department and
funds to maintain it.  (Hard!)

Please advise!


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