I take it this is failing because Maxima can't determine that my upper
bound is real. Is there some way to make it do what I want?

> sage: B0 = SR.symbol('B0', domain='real')
> sage: B1 = SR.symbol('B1', domain='real')
> sage: B2 = SR.symbol('B2', domain='real')
> sage: B3 = SR.symbol('B3', domain='real')
> sage: u = SR.symbol('u', domain='real')
> sage: integrand = -(1/6)*B0*u^3 - (1/2)*B1*u^2 - B2*u - B3
> sage: upper_bound = (sqrt(9*B0^2*B3^2 + 8*B0*B2^3 - 3*B1^2*B2^2 - 
> 6*(3*B0*B1*B2 - B1^3)*B3)/B0^2 - (3*B0^2*B3 - 3*B0*B1*B2 + B1^3)/B0^3)^(1/3) 
> - B1/B0 - (2*B0*B2 - B1^2)/((sqrt(9*B0^2*B3^2 + 8*B0*B2^3 - 3*B1^2*B2^2 - 
> 6*(3*B0*B1*B2 - B1^3)*B3)/B0^2 - (3*B0^2*B3 - 3*B0*B1*B2 + 
> B1^3)/B0^3)^(1/3)*B0^2)
> sage: integrate(integrand, (u, 0, upper_bound))
> ERROR: An unexpected error occurred while tokenizing input
> The following traceback may be corrupted or invalid
> The error message is: ('EOF in multi-line statement', (543, 0))
> ...
> TypeError: Error executing code in Maxima
>       sage4 : integrate(sage0,sage1,sage2,sage3)$
> Maxima ERROR:
> defint: upper limit of integration must be real; found errexp1
>  -- an error. To debug this try: debugmode(true);

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