I have already sent, but I dont answer ... because I expect please only if
anyelse can help me iff a time ...

2011/9/28 David Joyner <wdjoy...@gmail.com>

> On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 6:12 PM, Juan Grados <juan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi David,
> >
> > Yes I understand, but now I think that have a logic problem in algorithm,
> > but I don't know where ... i "copying lines" from [Ict2011], ...
> I would just email the author of the paper and ask him.
> > 2011/9/28 David Joyner <wdjoy...@gmail.com>
> >>
> >> On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 5:58 PM, Juan Grados <juan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> > help please!
> >>
> >>
> >> They did seem to solve your problem, didn't they?
> >> Do you not understand the English? Do you simply disagree?
> >> If you don't understand the English, please find someone who can
> >> translate.
> >>
> >> Did you find another error after fixing the problem they told about?
> >>
> >> Please be very clear exactly what it is you are having a problem
> >> understanding in this thread.
> >>
> >>
> >> >
> >> > 2011/9/28 Juan Grados <juan...@gmail.com>
> >> >>
> >> >> in the end line
> >> >> print sigma.roots(),
> >> >> always give empty vector, here sigma.roots()  should nonzero vector
> >> >> 2011/9/28 Juan Grados <juan...@gmail.com>
> >> >>>
> >> >>> Hi thanks for your answers,
> >> >>> I used _inverter_, _mul_, _add_ etc, because apparently
> >> >>> the implementation work fine but only "apparently",
> >> >>> i think that the essencial problem is with _invert_ method,
> >> >>> but now I used inverse_mod , but I dont
> >> >>> where are the error, I implemented Berlekamp Algorithm too, from
> >> >>> [Ict2011], its inside worksheet,
> >> >>> this work fine, but Patterson Algorithm no,
> >> >>> please help me with this implementation
> >> >>> '''
> >> >>> ALGORITHM:
> >> >>> The following two algorithms are in [Ict2011]
> >> >>> REFERENCES:
> >> >>> .. [Ict2011] How SAGE helps to implement Goppa Codes and McEliece
> >> >>> PKCSs
> >> >>>    URL
> >> >>>
> >> >>> :
> http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CCUQFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.weblearn.hs-bremen.de%2Frisse%2Fpapers%2FICIT11%2FRisse526ICIT11.pdf&ei=Q-yCTpK5C82cgQfj3803&usg=AFQjCNGEZ7SuMf1WKPrdkxvJMfiSaSqO1w&sig2=3RM25hfPNHCveQvdjTn4Iw
> >> >>> '''
> >> >>> def encode(u):
> >> >>>     return u*G_Goppa;
> >> >>> #this is the Berlekamp
> >> >>> def decode(y,m,N,H_gRS):
> >> >>>     tt = var('z')
> >> >>>     s = H_gRS*y.transpose();
> >> >>>     if s==matrix(Phi,H_gRS.nrows(),1):
> >> >>>         return y;
> >> >>>     b = PR([s[_,0] for _ in range(s.nrows())]);
> >> >>>
> >> >>>     #
> >> >>>     bigN = m;
> >> >>>     sigma = vector(PolynomialRing(Phi,tt),bigN+2);
> >> >>>     omega = vector(PolynomialRing(Phi,tt),bigN+2);
> >> >>>     delta = vector(PolynomialRing(Phi,tt),bigN+2);
> >> >>>     sigma[-1+1] = PR(0);
> >> >>>     sigma[0+1] = PR(1);
> >> >>>     flag = 2*bigN; # exponent flags rational 1/z
> >> >>>     omega[-1+1] = z**flag;
> >> >>>     omega[0+1] = PR(0);
> >> >>>     # init mu and delta
> >> >>>     mu = -1; delta[-1+1] = 1;
> >> >>>     for i in range(bigN):
> >> >>>         delta[i+1] = (sigma[i+1]*b).coeffs()[i];
> >> >>>         sigma[i+1+1] =
> >> >>> sigma[i+1](z)-z**(i-mu)*(delta[i+1]/delta[mu+1])*sigma[mu+1](z);
> >> >>>         if (omega[mu+1].degree()==flag):
> >> >>>             omega[i+1+1] =
> >> >>> omega[i+1](z)-(delta[i+1]/delta[mu+1])*z**(i-mu-1);
> >> >>>         else:
> >> >>>             omega[i+1+1]
> >> >>> =omega[i+1](z)-z**(i-mu)*(delta[i+1]/delta[mu+1])*omega[mu+1](z);
> >> >>>         ord = max(sigma[i+1].degree(),1+omega[i+1].degree());
> >> >>>         if (delta[i+1]<>0)and(2*ord<=i):
> >> >>>             mu = i;
> >> >>>     ELP = sigma[bigN+1]; # ErrorLocatorPolynomial
> >> >>>     n = G_Goppa.nrows();
> >> >>>     ee = vector(F,[0 for _ in range(n)]);
> >> >>>     for i in range(N):
> >> >>>         if (ELP(x**i)==Phi(0)): # an error occured
> >> >>>             print 'error position',N-i
> >> >>>     return 0;
> >> >>> def split(p):
> >> >>>     # split polynomial p over F into even part po
> >> >>>     # and odd part p1 such that p(z) = p2 (z) + z p2 (z)
> >> >>>     Phi = p.parent()
> >> >>>     p0 = Phi([sqrt(c) for c in p.list()[0::2]]);
> >> >>>     p1 = Phi([sqrt(c) for c in p.list()[1::2]]);
> >> >>>     return (p0,p1);
> >> >>> m = 4
> >> >>> F.<x> = GF(2)
> >> >>> Phi.<x> = GF(2^m);
> >> >>> PR = PolynomialRing(Phi,'z');
> >> >>> print 'PR is',PR;
> >> >>> N = 2^m - 1;
> >> >>> codelocators = [x^i for i in range(N)]
> >> >>> print(codelocators)
> >> >>> X = PolynomialRing(Phi,repr('z')).gen();
> >> >>> g = X^2+X+x^3; # goppa polynomial
> >> >>> print 'goppa polinomial',g
> >> >>> if g.is_irreducible():
> >> >>>     print 'g(z) =',g,'is irreducible';
> >> >>> for i in range(N):
> >> >>>     if g(codelocators[i])==Phi(0):
> >> >>>         print 'alarm: g(alpha_'+str(i)+')=0';
> >> >>> H_gRS = matrix([[codelocators[j]^(i) for j in range(N)] for i in
> >> >>> range(m)]);
> >> >>> H_gRS = H_gRS*diagonal_matrix([ 1/g(codelocators[i]) for i in
> >> >>> range(N)]);
> >> >>> print H_gRS
> >> >>> H_Goppa = matrix(F,m*H_gRS.nrows(),H_gRS.ncols());
> >> >>> for i in range(H_gRS.nrows()):
> >> >>>     for j in range(H_gRS.ncols()):
> >> >>>         be = bin(eval(H_gRS[i,j].int_repr()))[2:];
> >> >>> be = '0'*(m-len(be))+be; be = list(be);
> >> >>>         H_Goppa[m*i:m*(i+1),j]=vector(map(int,be));
> >> >>> Krnl = H_Goppa.right_kernel();
> >> >>> G_Goppa = Krnl.basis_matrix();
> >> >>> print H_Goppa
> >> >>> k = G_Goppa.nrows()
> >> >>> u = vector(F,[randint(0,1) for _ in range(k)]);
> >> >>> c = encode(u);
> >> >>> e = vector(F,H_gRS.ncols()); # e = zero vector
> >> >>> e[3]=1
> >> >>> y = vector(F,H_gRS.ncols());
> >> >>> y = c + e
> >> >>> print 'berlekamp algorithm'
> >> >>> decode(y,m,N,H_gRS)
> >> >>> print 'patterson algorithm'
> >> >>> #adicionando error
> >> >>> s = H_gRS*y.transpose();
> >> >>> sP = PR([s[_,0] for _ in range(s.nrows())]);
> >> >>> print 'g=',g
> >> >>> g0g1 = split(g);
> >> >>> w = g0g1[0]*(((g0g1[1]).inverse_mod(g)))
> >> >>> print 'w=',w
> >> >>> T0T1 = split(sP.inverse_mod(g) + X);
> >> >>> R = T0T1[0]+(w)*(T0T1[1])
> >> >>> print 'R',R
> >> >>> (d1,u,v) = xgcd(1,R); # where d = gcd(1,R) = 1
> >> >>> a = g*u; b = g*v;
> >> >>> sigma = (a^2+X*(b^2));
> >> >>> print sigma.roots()
> >> >>>
> >> >>>
> >> >>> 2011/9/28 D. S. McNeil <dsm...@gmail.com>
> >> >>>>
> >> >>>> > This is definitely not a bug.   The definition of the _add_
> method
> >> >>>> > absolutely demands that both inputs have exactly the same parent.
> >> >>>> >  In
> >> >>>> > the above instance, the left hand input (=1) has parent ZZ, and
> the
> >> >>>> > right hand input (=SR(2)) has parent the symbolic ring.
> >> >>>>
> >> >>>> Yeah, I know that-- it's the violation of that assumption which
> >> >>>> ultimately crashed the OP's code, after all.
> >> >>>>
> >> >>>> I guess I've inherited the bias from Python that users shouldn't be
> >> >>>> able to segfault the interpreter from pure Python code.
> >> >>>> Anything Cythonic probably falls into the Sage equivalent of the
> >> >>>> "ctypes exception" class, and I guess you can get the same crash
> with
> >> >>>> any non-typechecking cpdef'd object, but it still feels wrong.
> >> >>>>
> >> >>>> Meh.
> >> >>>>
> >> >>>>
> >> >>>> Doug
> >> >>>>
> >> >>>> --
> >> >>>> To post to this group, send email to sage-support@googlegroups.com
> >> >>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> >> >>>> sage-support+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
> >> >>>> For more options, visit this group at
> >> >>>> http://groups.google.com/group/sage-support
> >> >>>> URL: http://www.sagemath.org
> >> >>>
> >> >>>
> >> >>>
> >> >>> --
> >> >>>
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> >> >>> Juan del Carmen Grados Vásquez
> >> >>> Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica
> >> >>> Tel: +55 24 2233-6260
> >> >>> (http://www.lncc.br/)
> >> >>> http://juaninf.blogspot.com
> >> >>>
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >> --
> >> >> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> >> >> Juan del Carmen Grados Vásquez
> >> >> Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica
> >> >> Tel: +55 24 2233-6260
> >> >> (http://www.lncc.br/)
> >> >> http://juaninf.blogspot.com
> >> >> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > --
> >> > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> >> > Juan del Carmen Grados Vásquez
> >> > Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica
> >> > Tel: +55 24 2233-6260
> >> > (http://www.lncc.br/)
> >> > http://juaninf.blogspot.com
> >> > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> >> >
> >> > --
> >> > To post to this group, send email to sage-support@googlegroups.com
> >> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> >> > sage-support+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
> >> > For more options, visit this group at
> >> > http://groups.google.com/group/sage-support
> >> > URL: http://www.sagemath.org
> >> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Juan del Carmen Grados Vásquez
> > Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica
> > Tel: +55 24 2233-6260
> > (http://www.lncc.br/)
> > http://juaninf.blogspot.com
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > --
> > To post to this group, send email to sage-support@googlegroups.com
> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> > sage-support+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
> > For more options, visit this group at
> > http://groups.google.com/group/sage-support
> > URL: http://www.sagemath.org
> >

Juan del Carmen Grados Vásquez
Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica
Tel: +55 24 2233-6260

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