We are pleased to announce Sage Days 36:


to be held immediately after the Joint Mathematics Meetings, at Gordon College in Wenham, Mass. This will be, like Sage Days 19 and 27, a post-Joint Math Meetings Bug Days event.

We expect the primary emphasis to be fixing AND *reviewing* bugs in
calculus, symbolics, the notebook, and graphics, so we especially
encourage people interested in these to consider attending.  Of
course, as always, any fixing and reviewing of bugs will be welcome! There are currently 250 tickets "needing review" [1], so there is plenty of work to do just in reviewing.

The official days of operation for the event will be Monday-Wednesday,
January 9-11.  However, we anticipate that some people will already
want to get cracking in informal groups on Sunday, January 8th, and we will have comfortable oceanside accommodations [2] near Gordon with wireless to facilitate that; likewise, we expect some continuing bug-squashing action on Thursday for those with later flights. For those who are local or would like to stay in Boston, we should have shuttle service for specific commuter rail options to the college.

There is funding available to help with travel and accommodations. The number of participants we can cover will depend on how many will need flight reimbursement (presumably many people will already be at the Joint meetings), so please let Karl-Dieter Crisman know, or reply to this email, very soon if you are interested in coming and do not have a different source of funding for travel.

Jason Grout
Karl-Dieter Crisman

[1] http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/report/10
[2] http://www.wyliecenter.com/

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