Hi all,

I'm benchmarking some graph libraries. I was excited to see that
Sage's graph library has a backend implemented in Cython.
Unfortunately, it seems to be orders of magnitude slower than a pure
NetworkX implementation. Here a code summary:

import networkx

# read in test adjacency matrix using networkx
 G = networkx.read_adjlist('testmat%i.adjlist' % (N))
 N = len(G.nodes())
 E = G.edges()
 E = map(lambda x: (int(x[0]),int(x[1])), E)

# set up test object

The tester object is either of two classes, Tester_networkx or
Tester_sage_cgraph, both of which set up the graph G in their
respective implementations. For instance, if N is the number of nodes,
tester is initialized as follows:

import networkx
self.M = networkx.DiGraph()
self.M.add_edges_from( range(N) )


from sage.all import DiGraph
self.M = DiGraph(N, implementation="c_graph") # tried sparse=True,
similar results

I am seeing the following timing results for the two different

On a 1000 node graph, adding edges from node i to 100 randomly chosen
nodes (slowest of 100 trials):

 networkx     298.02 usec
 sage_cgraph     749.83 usec

Things get very bad when looking for strongly connected components
(slowest of 10 trials):

scc() -- 10 trials:
    networkx    5846.98 usec

scc() -- 10 trials:
    sage_cgraph 1363383.05 usec  (231x networkx)

I tried changing the Sage Graph implementation to "networkx", hoping
to see identical behavior to the pure NetworkX version. Unfortunately,
it is somewhere in between:

scc() -- 10 trials:
 sage_networkx  104291.92 usec  (20x networkx)

I'm assuming I must be doing something wrong to see such large
differences. Any ideas??

Thanks for your help,

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