Thanks a lot David! It works ^^


On Thursday, August 30, 2012 4:39:36 PM UTC+8, David Loeffler wrote:
> On 29 August 2012 12:54, Cindy < <javascript:>> 
> wrote: 
> > Hi, 
> > 
> > Given a cyclotomic field Q(zeta_n), where zeta_n is a primitive nth root 
> of 
> > unity, with maximal real subfield F, how can I calculate the 
> discriminant of 
> > K/F? 
> You need to use the "relativize" command to create the field extension 
> K / F. Here's an example for the 13th cyclotomic field: 
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> | Sage Version 5.2, Release Date: 2012-07-25                         | 
> | Type "notebook()" for the browser-based notebook interface.        | 
> | Type "help()" for help.                                            | 
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> sage: K.<zeta> = CyclotomicField(13) 
> sage: Krel = K.relativize(zeta + zeta^(-1), "w") 
> sage: Krel 
> Number Field in w0 with defining polynomial x^2 - w1*x + 1 over its base 
> field 
> sage: Krel.base_field() 
> Number Field in w1 with defining polynomial x^6 + x^5 - 5*x^4 - 4*x^3 
> + 6*x^2 + 3*x - 1 
> # so now Krel is QQ(zeta13) as an extension of F = QQ(zeta13 + 
> zeta13^(-1)) 
> sage: Krel.relative_discriminant() 
> Fractional ideal (w1^5 - 5*w1^3 + 4*w1) 
> # (an ideal of F) 
> sage: Krel.relative_different() 
> Fractional ideal ((w1^3 - 2*w1)*w0 - w1^2) 
> # (an ideal of Krel) 
> Regards, David 

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