On Tue, 20 Nov 2012 09:25:21 +0100
Burcin Erocal <bur...@erocal.org> wrote:

> On Mon, 19 Nov 2012 23:25:34 -0800
> "Justin C. Walker" <jus...@mac.com> wrote:
> > 
> > On Nov 19, 2012, at 22:36 , Jan Groenewald wrote:
> > 
> > > On 16 September 2012 08:08, Robert Dodier
> > > <robert.dod...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > 
> > >> On 2012-09-16, kcrisman <kcris...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > 
> > > Either that was a regression specifric to maxima 5.26, or this
> > > problem is particular
> > > to the sage interface to maxima. Original problem:
> > > 
> > > 0 jan@muizenberg:/var/autofs/misc/home/jan$sage
> > > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > > | Sage Version 5.4, Release Date:
> > > 2012-11-09                         | | Type "notebook()" for the
> > > browser-based notebook interface.        | | Type "help()" for
> > > help.                                            |
> > > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > > sage: u=1.2 sage: m=0.5
> > > sage: jacobi('sn',u,m)
> > > 0.887715488619
> > > sage: jacobi('sn',u+2*I*elliptic_kc(1-m),m)
> > > jacobi_sn(1.2 + 3.7081493546*I, 0.500000000000000)
> > > sage: n(jacobi('sn',u+2*I*elliptic_kc(1-m),m))
> > 
> > With sage-5.0-beta2, the above is duplicated, except that the last
> > line has been going (and going, and ...) for several minutes now,
> > with no signs of abating.  It's adding small increments of memory,
> > second by second...
> Numerical evaluation for this function is done by the _evalf_()
> function defined on line 489 of sage/functions/special.py. The last
> line of that function is:
> return parent(maxima("%s, numer"%self._maxima_init_evaled_(*args)))
> Here is what happens:
> sage: maxima("jacobi_sn(1.2000000000000000 + 3.7081493546027438*I,
> 0.50000000000000000), numer")
> jacobi_sn(3.7081493546027438*I+1.2,0.5)
> Trying to convert this to an element of RR, or whatever the chosen
> parent for the numerical evaluation is, calls this function again.
> The problem is with the conversion of the argument to maxima in the
> _maxima_init_evaled_ function. I will open a ticket and try to provide
> a patch today. Gotta run now.

Apparently, this was #7557 all along. I uploaded a patch. Please review.



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