On 2012-12-05, John Cremona <john.crem...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ------=_Part_32_14834482.1354721238473
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> On Wednesday, December 5, 2012 1:56:55 PM UTC, Jason Grout wrote:
>> On 12/5/12 7:46 AM, John Cremona wrote: 
>> > I don't know why this takes so long: 
>> > 
>> > I have a field F (a snumber field of high degree, 288 in fact) and 
>> > want to create a 100x100 matrix over F from a list of 100 lists of 100 
>> > elements of F, while I will call "entries".  If I do 
>> > 
>> > M = Matrix(entries) 
>> > 
>> > which certainly works fine with smaller examples, then I get tired of 
>> > waiting (after 10 or 15 minutes) and cannot even interrupt with 
>> > Ctrl-C.  But if I do 
>> > 
>> > M = copy(MatrixSpace(F,100).zero_matrix()) 
>> > for i in range(100): 
>> >     for j in range(100): 
>> >        M[i,j] = entries[i,j] 
>> > 
>> > it works in a few seconds.  So what is going wrong with the first 
>> (simpler) way? 
>> If you just do Matrix(entries), it tries to guess the right base ring 
>> (using the Sequence() command, IIRC).  In the second example, you are 
>> explicitly telling Sage the base ring.  I wonder if that is what is 
>> going on.  To check, can you try doing: 
>> matrix(F, entries) 
> That is slow too.  Try
> Q1092.<z>=CyclotomicField(1092)
> entries = [[Q1092.zero_element() for i in range(100)] for j in range(100)]
> M=Matrix(Q1092,entries)
> which takes a long time (*) and cannot be interrupted with Ctrl-C.

from what Volker wrote, it can be gathered that 
might work much faster.


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