On Fri, 19 Apr 2013 at 05:47AM -0700, LRN wrote:
> Eventually i ended up setting up Debian in a VM, installing Sage,
> texlive, TeXWorks, and hooking it up to SageTeX. I have a problem
> though: TeXWorks does not run Sage automatically. There seems to be a
> way to run Sage from TeXShop, but TeXShop is not available as a
> package in Wheezy, so i'm stuck with TeXWorks. Is there a way to
> integrate it with SageTeX?

I don't know of a way. I want to look into Texworks and figure out if
that's possible, but right now I don't have a lot of time. I do see on
the Texworks site that they have some kind of scripting functionality --
what you want is something that automatically runs Sage after
typesetting. If they don't have that, you can always open a terminal and
run Sage there whenever you change any of the SageTeX commands in your


---  Dan Drake
-----  http://math.pugetsound.edu/~ddrake

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