yea, that's nearly what I am looking for. Is it possible to consider a
weighted group action too?
e.g. If \xi is of order n and \xi a n-th root of unity.
g (p_1,\dots, p_n) \to (\xi^a_1 p1 , dots, \xi^a_n p_n)?
s.t. \sum a_i = n?

On 19.04.2013 17:53, Simon King wrote:
> Hi Johannes,
> On 2013-04-18, Johannes <> wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> I have the following setting: Given a finite subgroup G of GL_\C(n) of
>> order k, acting on C[x_1,...,x_n] by multiplication with (potenz of a )
>> k-th root of unity. What is the best way, to translate this setting to sage?
>> In the end I'm interested into the ring of invariants under G and it's
>> representation as quotient.
> Towards an answer:
> Since you want to compute an invariant ring, and since CC is not exactly
> a field (rounding errors), it might make sense to work over a number
> field that contains a k-th root of unity. For example:
> # Create the number field
> sage: F.<zeta> = NumberField(x^6 + x^5 + x^4 + x^3 + x^2 + x + 1)
> sage: zeta^7 == 1
> True
> # Create a 3x3 matrix that acts by multiplication with zeta
> sage: MS = MatrixSpace(F, 3)
> sage: g = MS(zeta)
> # Create the corresponding matrix group. It has the correct order
> # Note that the method "multiplicative_order" or the matrix fails!
> sage: G = MatrixGroup([g])
> sage: G.order()
> 7
> # Compute a minimal generating set of the invariant ring, as a sub-ring
> sage: G.invariant_generators()
> [x3^7,
>  x2*x3^6,
>  x1*x3^6,
>  x2^2*x3^5,
>  x1*x2*x3^5,
>  x1^2*x3^5,
>  x2^3*x3^4,
>  x1*x2^2*x3^4,
>  x1^2*x2*x3^4,
>  x1^3*x3^4,
>  x2^4*x3^3,
>  x1*x2^3*x3^3,
>  x1^2*x2^2*x3^3,
>  x1^3*x2*x3^3,
>  x1^4*x3^3,
>  x2^5*x3^2,
>  x1*x2^4*x3^2,
>  x1^2*x2^3*x3^2,
>  x1^3*x2^2*x3^2,
>  x1^4*x2*x3^2,
>  x1^5*x3^2,
>  x2^6*x3,
>  x1*x2^5*x3,
>  x1^2*x2^4*x3,
>  x1^3*x2^3*x3,
>  x1^4*x2^2*x3,
>  x1^5*x2*x3,
>  x1^6*x3,
>  x2^7,
>  x1*x2^6,
>  x1^2*x2^5,
>  x1^3*x2^4,
>  x1^4*x2^3,
>  x1^5*x2^2,
>  x1^6*x2,
>  x1^7]
> So, the invariant ring could be represented as a ring with not less than
> 36 generators, modulo algebraic relations. Now, I am afraid I don't know
> an easy way to find algebraic relations of the above sub-algebra
> generators---I am afraid I can't answer how to represent it as a
> quotient ring.
> Best regards,
> Simon

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