I don't know if this is the right place to answer this, since the question 
is so old, but I found a work around.

Note: The problem still exists with sage 5.8, but it is difficult for me to 
find a minimal example that replicates the problem.  I am convinced it is 
not a sagetex problem, however, but is a problem with sage. (this may be 
wrong, but, my thinking is that way, now).

I found a workaround, that I post here incase anyone runs into the same 
I put each chapter in its own tex file, and \include{chapter} in the main 
tex file.  Then, for each chapter, I do \includeonly{chapterx} in the 
preamble.  Thus, when I run sage, it only does the calculations for that 
chapter and does not get bogged down.  Once I've done every chapter, I 
remove \includeonly, and latex the entire file again.


On Friday, December 16, 2011 1:41:48 PM UTC-7, Steven McKay wrote:
> Hi,
> I have been writing a large set of notes for Differential Equations,
> and have come across an annoying problem (that is probably my fault.)
> After adding enough sage constructions to my latex file, I started
> getting errors like:
> Code block begin...Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/usr/local/share/sage/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/sage/
> calculus/desolvers.py", line 1526, in func
>     return [dec(*v) for dec in desc]
>   File "wrapper_rdf.pyx", line 78, in
> sage.ext.interpreters.wrapper_rdf.Wrapper_rdf.__call__ (sage/ext/
> interpreters/wrapper_rdf.c:1347)
>   File "expression.pyx", line 984, in
> sage.symbolic.expression.Expression.__float__ (sage/symbolic/
> expression.cpp:5596)
> TypeError: unable to simplify to float approximation
> odepack.error: Error occured while calling the Python function named
> func
> Which repeats over and over many times.  This is only for
> constructions using desolve_odeint, and only for the later sage
> constructions, not the earlier ones. *However*, the same sage code in
> a notebook runs as expected without errors.  So I know I don't have
> any errors in my code that is doing this. In fact, I took the sections
> with the "offending code" and compiled them separately in a smaller
> document, and the sage code ran correctly.
> So, it seems as if I am overloading sage with too many calculations.
> This confuses me, however, because I thought sage did each calculation
> separately.
> This is either a bug in sage (possible, not probable), a known
> limitation (probable) or something else.
> I am looking for advice as to how this can be fixed.  Note that I do
> not really want to freeze the earlier calculations, because this is a
> work in progress, and I am likely to go back and rework things.  It is
> possible I could rearrange my workflow in some way as to avoid this.
> Any suggestions would be welcome.
> Thanks,
> S.M.

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