In graduate school I used Mathematica all day every day.  I've not had the 
luxury of that kind of immersion in Sage (yet).  But I've searched the 
documentation and the forums and I see others struggling with the same issue 
I'm having so I don't think it's just me.

I am working on mathematical algorithms over arbitrary finite real data.  The 
dimensions are known to be finite but are not fixed with respect to the 
executable representation of the algorithm.  In many important cases, the 
largest of the dimensions is not even known during the early stages of 
execution, e.g. reading variable-length records from a file or network 

Typically I'm given a "canonical form" of the algorithm to start with, and 
typically it is pretty straightforward stuff.  Matrix Matrix vector, sum of 
sums of sums of something.  I need to transform the algorithm so that it can be 
implemented more efficiently, compared to the canonical form, and still get the 
right answer.

I used Mathematica to attack this kind of task a few years ago (a decade out of 
school) and found it very difficult to do well.  I could express the canonical 
and transformed algorithms easily enough as finite sums over an indefinite 
range but the system could only prove equivalence if I fixed the ranges to some 
specific values.  I could hack around with enough distinct combinations of 
dimensions to satisfy myself that the transformation was right but that wasn't 
entirely satisfactory.

Now I'm working with a family of algorithms expressed in terms of standard 
linear algebra (and matrix calculus) operators.  The matrices have a lot of 
structure, eg a lot of them are block diagonal symmetric with repeated blocks, 
but the number of blocks and their size are both arbitrary.

I found a partial implementation!topic/sage-devel/yvtIbHmi6zw/discussion  but 
it doesn't accept scalar factors, doesn't know that a 1x1 matrix expression 
evaluates to a scalar, knows nothing about symmetry, block structure, trace, 
det, etc.

I played around with Isabel/HOL and looked at other proof-checking systems in 
school as well but they are a bear to use.  Or were back then.  In an ideal 
world I'd get a sabbatical to implement a Prolog-equivalent subsystem in Python 
and a proof checking subsystem in Sage.  Yeah, right.

I'd like to be able to start out saying
Let m, n, p be positive integers such that p divides n,
Let X be a real n*m matrix
Let Mb be a real p*p symmetric matrix
Let M be the block diagonal n*n matrix with n/p copies of Mb on the diagonal
Then X^T * M * X == Sum over blocks Xi of X, Xi^T Mb Xi
==> "True"
And if I botched something the answer would be "Error" or "False" or a 
partially simplified form of the predicate.

I know that's asking a lot, but hey if you don't ask you won't get it, right?

Oh, and then I want to be able to emit the transformed expressions in a form I 
can directly paste into my code as well as typesetting my proof as part of the 
program documentation.

For the specific kind of work I'm doing now transforming all the matrix algebra 
into equivalent nested summations and then attacking the summation equivalence 
problem might be a simplification of the problem space but it's not a very 
elegant way to proceed.

I welcome any suggestions here.  Am I barking up the wrong tree entirely?  Am I 
missing some existing functionality?

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