Hi all!

I have a large collection (~50,000) of integer vectors in low dimension 
(~20). For each of these vectors, I want to divide all entries by their 
gcd. In other words if

def prim_v(v):
    d = abs(gcd(v))
    return v.apply_map(lambda vi: vi.divide_knowing_divisible_by(d))

then I want to compute map(prim_v, V) for a long list V. When trying to 
profile this using %prun, I found it difficult to tell which part of this 
computation is taking the most time. So I rewrote this as

def foo(v,d):
    return v.divide_knowing_divisible_by(d)

def bar(v):
    return abs(gcd(v))

def prim_v(v):
    d = bar(v)
    return v.apply_map(lambda vi: foo(vi,d))

Then, profiling this with %prun yields the following information.

 ncalls tottime percall cumtime percall  filename:lineno(function)
  47802   0.119   0.000  13.811   0.000  LDsolver.py:58(prim_v)
  47802   0.116   0.000   3.593   0.000  LDsolver.py:54(bar)
 859898   0.360   0.000   0.524   0.000  LDsolver.py:51(foo)

If I am reading this correctly, this means that most of the time (~10 
seconds) is not spent doing the actual computation (using foo and bar) but 
simply creating vectors and read/writing values to/from vectors (in 
apply_map). (Do something like return vector((foo(vi,d) for vi in v)) instead 
of apply_map does not make much a difference.) 

Now, my questions are:

1) Why is this so slow? Am I missing something here?
2) Is there anything I can do to improve performance?

Thank you very much,

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