I think you should ask either sage-support@googlegroups.com,  or at
ask.sagemath.org.  Is this on your own machine or on fermat ?  If the
latter I can dig around to see if the file already exists and copy it.


On 14 March 2014 10:48, Moore, Warren <warren.mo...@warwick.ac.uk> wrote:
> Random Sage (Notebook) question... I've stupidly ran a rather long program 
> without saving to file, just relying on the full_output.txt file that the 
> Sage Notebook generates once a cell has finished completely. It might be 
> another week and I'd rather not wait for it to finish if I can avoid, but 
> don't want to lose all the curves it's found so far.
> Do you know of any way for me to get a hold of the complete output so far 
> without waiting for the cell to finish evaluating? When I've interrupted Sage 
> in the past I only seem to be able to access the truncated data, not all the 
> data that was output before I terminated / interrupted the cell.
> I know you sent me a link to somewhere where I could ask Sage questions a 
> while ago, but haven't been able to find it - that might be a more 
> appropriate place to ask whenever you get the chance to pass on the link to 
> the forum / Google Group.
> Thanks!
> Warren
>> On 14 Mar 2014, at 17:30, "John Cremona" <john.crem...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Sounds good.  Feel free to use hilbert too.
>> John
>>> On 14 March 2014 09:46, Moore, Warren <warren.mo...@warwick.ac.uk> wrote:
>>> It found the curve I was missing in 10-15 minutes with 'Effort' set to 400 
>>> and without specifying any primes/Hecke eigenvalues:
>>> y^2 - x*y + (-2*i + 2)*y = x^3 + (2*i - 2)*x^2 + (50*i + 72)*x + (366*i - 
>>> 250)
>>> (a global minimal model is y^2 + x*y + (i+1)*y = x^3 + (-i+1)*x^2 + 
>>> (52*i+71)*x + (345*i-126))
>>> I wasn't able to find this with egrosNF, or by any other method I had at my 
>>> disposal. If it's always that quick, then this could be very useful for 
>>> filling in the gaps...! I don't want to flood Fermat since it only has 24 
>>> cores to run on, but Hilbert looks like it has the same version of Magma? I 
>>> have been using a lot of it for running egrosNF constantly over the last 
>>> week or so, but maybe I'd be better off computing with this instead. Hmm...
>>> I'd be very interested to find out exactly what it's doing to find these 
>>> curves, that is if the method isn't too complicated for me to understand 
>>> and you manage to get some more info from the author!
>>> ________________________________________
>>> From: Moore, Warren
>>> Sent: 14 March 2014 16:21
>>> To: John Cremona
>>> Subject: RE: Using Magma
>>> Oh wow... Okay... Well it would have felt like a bit of a cheat to just use 
>>> that sort of function anyway! Not that I'm expecting it to be a sort of 
>>> 'magic' solution to finding every elliptic curve.
>>> I'm giving it a quick go on Fermat now with the first missing conductor 
>>> over Q(sqrt(-1)) and 'Effort' set to 400 to see what happens, as that seems 
>>> to be the first value that tries all techniques according to the docs. I 
>>> found nothing at 'Effort' set to 1. But like you said, if it happens to 
>>> find some of the missing curves that I'm struggling to find, then that can 
>>> only be a good thing!
>>> I had a really quick glance at the 
>>> /usr/local/magma/package/Geometry/CrvEll/ec_search.m file on Fermat, and I 
>>> recognised some of the methods (some were taken from yours and Mark 
>>> Lingham's good reduction outside S paper), and it says that passing in 
>>> primes and Hecke eigenvalues would speed it up, which I may try later. I 
>>> don't how much time I'll have now, but I'll see whether I can get some good 
>>> use of it.
>>> Warren
>>> ________________________________________
>>> From: John Cremona <john.crem...@gmail.com>
>>> Sent: 14 March 2014 15:47
>>> To: Moore, Warren
>>> Subject: Using Magma
>>> You'll hate me for this but:  I only learned yesterday that the
>>> current Magma (as on fermat) has an EllipticCurveSearch function which
>>> I am told works well (I do not know quite what it does).  See
>>> http://magma.maths.usyd.edu.au/magma/handbook/text/1401#15780  for
>>> info.
>>> The people who found curves to match modular forms over a complex
>>> cubic field said that it worked very well for them.  I just tried it
>>> with (7+4*i) and it did not find the curve but I did not have a large
>>> value for their "effort" parameter.
>>> I certainly would have told you about this earlier if I have known.
>>> But if it helps find more curves, so much the better, even if it is a
>>> "black box" with no clue as to method (though I am now about to write
>>> to the person who wrote it).
>>> John

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