
Thanks for your help!  I'm fairly new to both Sage and graph theory, but I 
understand the difference you point out, and it looks like the trace faces 
function is giving me accurate faces for some valid planar embedding- just 
not the one I thought it was working on.  I spoke with a colleague 
yesterday, and he helped come up with a solution.  He tried to post his 
results on this board, but I'm not seeing it, so I'm copy/pasting his 
solution here.   This is not the most efficient solution, but I've tested 
in on a variety of real planar graphs, and it does work. 

Ethans answer: 
the problem is not their algorithm for finding faces, but the embedding.  
The embedding should be a clockwise ordering of nodes, but if you look, 
node 3's neighbors list in the embedding (s_emb[3]) is not clockwise.  If 
you reorder the nodes, it seems to work.  See below.

import numpy

def reorder_embedding(emb, locs):
    new_emb = {}
    for i,neighbors in emb.iteritems():
        def angle(b):
            dx = locs[b][0] - locs[i][0]
            dy = locs[b][1] - locs[i][1]
            return numpy.arctan2(dx,dy)
        reorder_neighbors = sorted(neighbors, key=angle)
        new_emb[i] = reorder_neighbors
    return new_emb

S = Graph(lat) = 600, pos = nodes_dict)
S.is_planar(set_embedding = True)
s_emb = S.get_embedding()
s_emb_r = reorder_embedding(s_emb, nodes_dict)

print "SAGE embedding:", s_emb
print "Reordered:", s_emb_r

faces = S.trace_faces(s_emb)
print "SAGE faces:", faces

faces_r = S.trace_faces(s_emb_r)
print "Reordered:", faces_r

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