On 2014-08-31, Juan Grados <juan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dears members,
> I'm trying to use subs method in PolynomialSequence, but when I doing that
> I get the same PolynomialSequence. For example in code below my polynomial
> sequence PS has only one polynomial (P) ... I'm trying to use subs but I
> get the same polynomial. Where is wrong?

the line 
has no effect on PS.
The last line should be

print  PS.subs({R.gens()[0]:1,R.gens()[1]:1})

> reset()
> from sage.rings.polynomial.multi_polynomial_sequence import
> PolynomialSequence
> namesP=["X%d"%i for i in [0..2]]
> R = BooleanPolynomialRing(len(namesP), namesP)
> P = R.random_element()
> PS = PolynomialSequence([P],R)
> print PS
> PS.subs({R.gens()[0]:1,R.gens()[1]:1})
> print PS
> -- 
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> MSc. Juan del Carmen Grados Vásquez
> Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica
> Tel: +55 21 97633 3228
> (http://www.lncc.br/)
> http://juaninf.blogspot.com
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------

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