On Thursday, November 20, 2014 4:36:52 AM UTC-8, Peter Bruin wrote:
> It could be caused by the following lines in the Maxima source code (in 
> src/commac.lisp):
> (defparameter trailing-zeros-regex-f-0 (compile nil 
> (maxima-nregex::regex-compile "^(.*\\.[0-9]*[1-9])00*$")))
> (defparameter trailing-zeros-regex-f-1 (compile nil 
> (maxima-nregex::regex-compile "^(.*\\.0)00*$")))
> (defparameter trailing-zeros-regex-e-0 (compile nil 
> (maxima-nregex::regex-compile "^(.*\\.[0-9]*[1-9])00*([^0-9][+-][0-9]*)$")))
> (defparameter trailing-zeros-regex-e-1 (compile nil 
> (maxima-nregex::regex-compile "^(.*\\.0)00*([^0-9][+-][0-9]*)$")))
> These are executed each time Maxima starts.  The call to compile 
> apparently invokes the C compiler.
Indeed, a feature of ECL is that compile defers to the C compiler. It is of 
course crazy this gets compiled every initialization of maxima. I don't 
think this happened before either.  These definitions seem to have been 
introduced between 5.33.0 and 5.34.1. They can easily be rewritten in such 
a way that an init-time compile can be avoided, either by stripping out the 
compile statement entirely (I don't think this is critical code) or by 
forcing the compile statement to run at compile time. The short-term 
solution is probably to patch maxima to not compile these things at all. 
Longer term: https://sourceforge.net/p/maxima/bugs/2845/

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