Unusual question... Some time ago, when I had not used Sage that much, I run the command

print join([str(i)+": "+join([str(j)
for j in range(i-1,0,-1) if G[j].is_subgroup(G[i])])
for i in range(len(G),0,-1)], "\n")

Is this correct way to get subgroup structure of transitive subgroups of S_6?

I think that the version of Sage was 5.3 then. It seems that I got different results that I got now with version 6.4. However, I am not sure, as I have only picture made from the output.

Do somebody have old Sage versions available for testing? It seems that 5.3 does not compile on Fedora 21.

Or is there known fixed bug on is_isomorphic() on older Sage versions?

 * * *

Of course a better way to get subgroup structure is

Poset( (TransitiveGroups(6), lambda x,y: y.is_subgroup(x)) )

Jori Mäntysalo

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