Hello guy,

Your "question" looks like a modeling math problem, ...and is not related 
to SAGE.

I wouln't try to solve "quadratic" problem using "linear" solvers : LP 
means "Linear Programming" 

for definition of LP, read 

more over : "CVXOPT" is short word for ConVeX OPTimization. 

At first sight, it looks like you want to maximize a no-concave 
function..and such a problem has sometimes no finite solution...

if (for example)
t2 = -0.5 t1  => 0.1t1 + 0.2t2 = 0 <= 1
f2 = -0.5 f1 => 2f1 + 4f2 = 0 <= 0.5


t1.f1 + t2.f2 + 0.5f1 + 0.3f2 = t1.f1  + 2.5t1.f1 + 0.5f1 -0.15f1 = 3.5t1f1 
+ 0.35f1

so when (for example) f1 = 1.0 you can find f1  very large positive to get  
t1.f1 + t2.f2 + 0.5f1 + 0.3f2 > N whatever N value you choose.


On Monday, 5 January 2015 16:35:23 UTC+1, pegah Ali wrote:
> Hello guys,
> I have a quadratic programming for instance like the following equation:
>   max  t1.f1 + t2.f2 + 0.5f1 + 0.3f2
>   subj to :  0.1t1 + 0.2t2 <= 1
>                   2f1 + 4f2    <= 0.5
> (f1, f2, t1 and t2 are unknown variables).
> If I had min instead of max in the program, I would be able to solve it by 
> using  solvers.qp()  in CVXOPT and change the program to the following 
> form :
> <https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-WZuYrkYYeqQ/VKqsaKp7RbI/AAAAAAAAAT0/sTd1R6zYwuA/s1600/f.png>
> But in case of maximization, I don't know which solvers can I use and even 
> how can I modify the program in order to be solved by another solver. 
> I would be appreciated for your helps and comments.
> Regards
> Pegah           

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