On Fri, Jan 30, 2015 at 8:05 PM, Lee Worden <worden....@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thursday, January 29, 2015 at 10:17:32 PM UTC-8, Vegard Lima wrote:
>> But I think that was my point...
>> If you do something like this
>> sage: a = var('a',latex_name='BLAH')
>> and then
>> sage: a = var('a')
>> sage: latex(a)
>> So the first a=var(...) did have an impact on the second one, no?
> I think this is this issue: http://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/17559

I've looked at this again, and I don't think your bug is related.

The problem above is caused by sage reusing
"already existing variables" in the symbol function
in sage/symbolic/ring.pyx. This "fixes" the above bug:

diff --git a/src/sage/symbolic/ring.pyx b/src/sage/symbolic/ring.pyx
index f87f622..6972018 100644
--- a/src/sage/symbolic/ring.pyx
+++ b/src/sage/symbolic/ring.pyx
@@ -555,7 +555,7 @@ cdef class SymbolicRing(CommutativeRing):
         e = pynac_symbol_registry.get(name)

         # fast path to get an already existing variable
-        if e is not None:
+        if False: # e is not None:
             if domain is None:
                 if latex_name is None:
                     return e

Vegard Lima

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