I also noticed that ctrl-d doesn't work (probably captured by the browser) 
so interactive subshells can't be left. This ought to be a general IPython 
notebook question, but I don't know the answer.

As you said, IPython distinguishes single percent = line, and double 
precent = cell magics. 

IMHO we should do as little processing on the cell magic as possible. Why 
muck around with whitespace, what if somebody wants to work with a Maxima 
string containing multiple consecutive spaces, etc. Same for semicolons. 
Just require valid Maxima input in a %%maxima cell.

On Monday, May 4, 2015 at 4:17:10 PM UTC+2, Emmanuel Charpentier wrote:
> Dear list,
> I noticed an annoyance in the IPython notebook (I mean Sage's Ipython 
> notebook, not IPython ° %load_ext sage...). a line magic %maxima exists, 
> but seems to open an interactiove contol woth Maxima, that one cannot exit 
> of.
> What I'd like to have is somthing close to the %%R cell magic offered by 
> %rmagic (which, BTW, uses rpy2, which is not available directly) : the text 
> of the cell is sent to R and the (last) answer is printed out.
> I have created a first approximation of what I'd like to have in the 
> attached IPython worksheet. Il scans a (multiline) text, splits it on 
> semicolons, replaces all whitespace by a single space, sends it line by 
> line to maxima and records the answers, which are in fine returned.
> What do you think ?
> HTH,
> --
> Emmanuel Charpentier

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