git fetch -v

On Friday, June 12, 2015 at 9:41:58 AM UTC+2, Emmanuel Charpentier wrote:
> Same problem on a different pachine with a different network connection : 
> git fetch
> fatal: unable to connect to
>[0:]: errno=Connexion terminée par 
> expiration du délai d'attente
> HTH,
> --
> Emmanuel Charpentier
> Le vendredi 12 juin 2015 09:37:56 UTC+2, Volker Braun a écrit :
>> You are more likely to get help if you post the failing command with 
>> output.
>> On Friday, June 12, 2015 at 6:52:50 AM UTC+2, Emmanuel Charpentier wrote:
>>> It still (2015-06-12,06:50 CET) fails for me. Not *that* transient, it 
>>> seems...
>>> And, yes, I can ssh from this machine to The Rest of The World...
>>> HTH,
>>> --
>>> Emmanuel Charpentier
>>> Le vendredi 12 juin 2015 00:26:40 UTC+2, Volker Braun a écrit :
>>>> Transient error or port 22 blocked, I guess. Works for me:
>>>> $ git trac fetch 18229
>>>> remote branch: f451e9a5227d73fc5ab8719857a4d17aae129eb8
>>>> From git://
>>>>  * branch            f451e9a5227d73fc5ab8719857a4d17aae129eb8 -> 
>>>> On Thursday, June 11, 2015 at 8:01:02 PM UTC+2, Emmanuel Charpentier 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Dear list,
>>>>> The trac repository seems no longer able to answer my "fetch" requests.
>>>>> My status :
>>>>> git status
>>>>> Sur la branche develop
>>>>> Votre branche est à jour avec 'origin/develop'.
>>>>> Fichiers non suivis:
>>>>>   (utilisez "git add <fichier>..." pour inclure dans ce qui sera valid
>>>>> é)
>>>>>     src/sage_setup/autogen/pari/timestamp
>>>>> aucune modification ajoutée à la validation mais des fichiers non 
>>>>> suivis sont présents (utilisez "git add" pour les suivre)
>>>>> My config :
>>>>> cat /usr/local/sage-6.8/.git/config 
>>>>> [core]
>>>>>     repositoryformatversion = 0
>>>>>     filemode = true
>>>>>     bare = false
>>>>>     logallrefupdates = true
>>>>> [remote "origin"]
>>>>>     url =
>>>>>     fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
>>>>> [branch "master"]
>>>>>     remote = origin
>>>>>     merge = refs/heads/master
>>>>> [branch "develop"]
>>>>>     remote = origin
>>>>>     merge = refs/heads/develop
>>>>> [remote "trac"]
>>>>>     url = git://
>>>>>     fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/trac/*
>>>>>     pushurl =
>>>>> [trac]
>>>>>     username = XXXXXXX
>>>>>     password = XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
>>>>> [branch "t/18229/R_upgrade_with_new_patch"]
>>>>>     remote = trac
>>>>>     merge = refs/heads/u/leif/R_upgrade_with_new_patch
>>>>> Symptom : "git fetch" simply hangs. Never did that on me on this 
>>>>> machine, as far as I can remember...
>>>>> Any idea ?

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