I am reposting a comment I just added to the topic, "Fwd: error in Sage" in 
the hopes that it will be more likely to be seen this way.

I have also just encountered the incorrect sign for BooleanFunction 
In addition, I would like to point out that the documentation at
agrees with the usual definition and not with the current implementation, 
and the doctest on that page does not check for correct sign. Finally, the 
sign on the Walsh Hadamard transform affects the definition of the dual, 
self-dual bent functions, etc. In particular, the function $x_1 x_2$ is 
self dual under the usual definition
http://www.inderscienceonline.com/doi/abs/10.1504/IJICoT.2010.032864 but 
not when when the current implementation is used. Clearly the current sign 
is a bug, rather than just a difference in convention.
All the best, Paul

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