> Thanks -- I was half-expecting Nathann to be the first to reply!

It was one of my 'no computer at work' day, sorry :-P

>  I don't (or rather, did not)  know what D3 is...

It is a javascript library for visualisation. If I remember correctly, the 
guy who wrote it (used to?) work for the New York times, and wrote a "Data 
Drivent Document" library meant to display 'nicely' the data provided by 

The result is this crazy collection of scripts that display very elegantly 
in a browser whatever you may ever think of representing on a computer:


They actually have ways to build a graph (add edges/vertices) in the 
browser, but having that in Sage would require some communication back from 
the browser to Sage. May be possible in William's cloud, but would be 
harder in 'bare sage'. The way it works at the moment for us is: 1) write a 
.html file 2) open it.


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