I forgot would tikz or circuitikz work on sagemathcloud ? Is it installed ?

Le 07/02/2016 14:23, Henri Girard a écrit :
I finally got this with circuitikz (tikz), in a jupyter sage-n=ipython (sage-7.1 beta2 of today fresh compile, but I can work on other version too) :
%matplotlib inline
#%display latex
%install_ext http://raw.github.com/jrjohansson/ipython-circuitikz/master/circuitikz.py
%load_ext circuitikz
%%circuitikz filename=geo dpi=125
\begin{circuitikz}[line cap=round,line join=round,>=triangle 45,x=1.0cm,y=1.0cm]
\draw[->,color=black] (-5.98,0.) -- (5.36,0.);
\foreach \x in {-5.,-4.,-3.,-2.,-1.,1.,2.,3.,4.,5.}
\draw[shift={(\x,0)},color=black] (0pt,2pt) -- (0pt,-2pt) node[below] {\footnotesize $\x$};
\draw[->,color=black] (0.,-4.08) -- (0.,4.78);
\foreach \y in {-4.,-3.,-2.,-1.,1.,2.,3.,4.}
\draw[shift={(0,\y)},color=black] (2pt,0pt) -- (-2pt,0pt) node[left] {\footnotesize $\y$};
\draw[color=black] (0pt,-10pt) node[right] {\footnotesize $0$};
\clip(-5.98,-4.08) rectangle (5.36,4.78);
\draw(0.,0.) circle (3.cm);

Le 22/04/2014 22:24, Emmanuel Charpentier a écrit :
Apart for being a mouthful of a one-liner, what would be wrong with :
plot(sqrt(-x^2+2*abs(x))*sgn(-x),[x,-2,2] ,figsize=4,
      xmin=-2,  xmax=2, ymin=-2, ymax=2, aspect_ratio=1, axes=False,
      fill=-sqrt(4-x^2), color="black", fillcolor="black", fillalpha=1) +
plot(sqrt(-x^2+2*abs(x))*sgn(-x),[x,-2,2], figsize=4
xmin=-2, xmax=2, ymin=-2, ymax=2, aspect_ratio=1, axes=False,
             fill=sqrt(4-x^2), color="red", fillcolor="red", fillalpha=1)
, pray tell me ?

Aand you don't have the to put up with the black border up the positive half circle that the draw2d solution plots. An implicit plot might be a better way to render this, BTW, but I dont' have it on the tips of my fingers right now....

Note : the "figsize=4" bit is for emacs' sage_mode sake. It looks nice'n smooth without it.

Since it's pure sage, it could be rendered even better in tikz ... if I could find a way to coax matplot to use its built-in interface to tikz. But the damn thing is quite opaque to me. Any idea ?

[ BTW : this (rendering via tikz) might be a nice enhancement for sagetex users... Hmmm... I'll have to dive in the source code. Not for now, alas... ]

Emmanuel Charpentier

Le mardi 25 mars 2014 09:50:38 UTC+1, HG a écrit :

    I got this yin-yang from
    (thanks for it !) :

        proportional_axes = xy,
        title             = "Ying-Yang",
        fill_color        = black,
        filled_func       = -sqrt(4-x^^2 ),
        explicit(if x < 0 then sqrt(-x^^2 -2*x) else -sqrt(-x^^2
    +2*x),x,-2,2) ) $

    But I need it in sagemath to get it well embedd in texmacs.
    After long trying I didn't not success, my main problem is
    If a good soul could do it for me all my thanks.
    Kind regards,

    I have done this which is not really good :

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