Thanks Nils for these interesting solutions.  To answer your question, I am 
only interested in real solutions.  Yes, Wolfram Alpha may only show some 
solutions.  I used it to determine if there were ANY solutions, which there 
were, so that I might expect some solutions rather than no solutions from 
Sage.  The equations provided were test equations, in preparation for using 
Sage to solve other systems of equations for which I seek solutions.  My 
purpose in presenting my question to the group is to ascertain whether the 
method by which I have presented the equations to Sage for solution is 
correct, and why no solutions were forthcoming.  Thanks again.

On Saturday, August 20, 2016 at 9:27:34 PM UTC-7, Nils Bruin wrote:
> On Saturday, August 20, 2016 at 8:29:02 PM UTC-7, Roger S wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm new to Sage and your help is appreciated.  I am trying to find 
>> numerical solutions for a system of three equations in three unknowns as 
>> follows (the coefficients here are arbitrary for testing purposes, but I 
>> have verified that there are in fact numerical solutions):
>> xyz + 2xy + 3yz + 4xz + 5x + 6y + 7z = 0
>> 8xyz + 9xy + 10yz + 11xz + 12x + 13y + 14z = 0
>> 15xyz + 16xy + 17yz + 18xz + 19x + 20y + 21z = 0
>> In response to "solve" Sage is returning the original equations with no 
>> numerical results.  The actual solutions (from Wolfram Alpha) are:
>> x=-3, y=-3/4, z=-3   and   x=-4/3, y=8, z=-4/3
> Why do you think that's the "correct" answer? Why is x=y=z=0 an invalid 
> solution?
> In actuality, your equations happen to describe a positive-dimensional 
> solution set; it happens to be an algebraic curve of genus 1 
> (congratulations; not all intersections of 3 cubic equations in 3-space 
> yield genus 1 curves!), and this one happens to have infinitely many 
> rational solutions. Wolfram Alpha missed this one too, for instance:
> (197645777049634548512744383174389298033637463502382310142600087646802794602853\
> 1531257080273157657786059636413352036993143703588065912642/86947948899367165333\
> 5402658211209586423986666805945772208167570149400681547564137405585160928838798\
> 687063936496966509397849639384765441, 
> -1287675836873589883723142251933763847414\
> 8438738177920292488334858041920061261361870906384138469498407486400459861979322\
> 078869377962299641984/100643168107472738754649925590736684519831838241166038091\
> 4129700864889555666628790657398853137957618857694788459219913260417008953931278\
> 65833, 
> -97036485140207458622029618188063119110557273624372030829814799917732925\
> 258180390881114790660411640849323543230464453805657775708915879841278/149365077\
> 9384072663572446521641658389504377145205608740382948594185066596356570619651876\
> 87554301362956629570143317207424117326061853527647709)
> You also haven't stated what kind of solutions you are interested in. Only 
> rational ones? or is any real or complex-valued solution OK?
> It's not always so straightforward to describe a solution set in a way 
> different from a tautological description. This is a mathematical problem, 
> not just one for computer algebra systems.

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