I'm attempting to run Sage 7.2 on a MacBook Pro running Mac OS X ver. 10.12 
(Sierra). Sage won't start up and it gives me the following messages: 

Last login: Fri Oct  7 00:13:52 on ttys000 
-bash: /Applications/mesasdk/bin/mesasdk_init.sh: No such file or directory 
users-MacBook-Pro:~ user$ 
sys:1: RuntimeWarning: not adding directory '' to sys.path since it's 
writable by an untrusted group. 
Untrusted users could put files in this directory which might then be 
imported by your Python code. As a general precaution from similar 
exploits, you should not execute Python code from this directory 
│ SageMath version 7.3, Release Date: 2016-08-04                     │ 
│ Type "notebook()" for the browser-based notebook interface.        │ 
│ Type "help()" for help.                                            │ 
Please wait while the old SageNB Notebook server starts... 
Setting permissions of DOT_SAGE directory so only you can read and write 
Traceback (most recent call last): 
line 225, in <module> 
line 69, in __init__ 
    from sagenb.notebook.notebook_object import notebook 
line 17, in <module> 
    import notebook as _notebook 
line 35, in <module> 
    from sagenb.misc.misc import (pad_zeros, cputime, tmp_dir, load, save, 
line 196, in <module> 
    import sage.all 
line 92, in <module> 
    from sage.misc.all       import *         # takes a while 
line 5, in <module> 
    from .misc import (alarm, cancel_alarm, 
line 143, in <module> 
    os.chmod(DOT_SAGE, _desired_mode) 
OSError: [Errno 1] Operation not permitted: '*/Users/user/*.sage/' 
users-MacBook-Pro:~ user$ 

Any suggestions? 

Sam Dupree. 

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