On Monday, 24 October 2016 01:45:10 UTC+11, David Joyner wrote:
> I haven't looked at your code but are you comparing the SRG associated 
> to the Boolean bent function and the graph associated to the incidence 
> matrix of that graph? 
I don't understand your precise meaning here, so I will spell out exactly 
what I have done.

Briefly, if f is a Boolean bent function f: Z_2^{dim} -> Z_2, with f(0)=0, 
then, if Z_2^{dim} is given lexicographical ordering from 0 to 2^{dim}-1, 
define the matrix M[i,j]=f(i \xor j).
The matrix M is the *adjacency* matrix of the Cayley graph of f, and is 
simple because f(0) != 1. The following function takes the equivalent f : Z 
-> Z_2 and produces the Cayley graph for a given dim.

def boolean_cayley_graph(dim, f):
    v = 2 ** dim
    result = Graph(v)
    result.add_edges([(i,j) for i in xsrange(v) for j in xsrange(i) if f(i 
^ j)])
    return result

This is the graph that I am using for G1 in test_isomorphism.sage

A Boolean bent function can also generate a projective, two-weight linear 
code. Again, we take lexicographic ordering of Z_2^{dim} and produce a 
matrix M, but here the number of columns is the weight of f, i.e. the size 
of the support of f,
the number of rows is 2^{dim}, and each entry M[x,j] = <x, {support}_j> 
where support is a list corresponding to the support of f. This matrix M 
generates the linear code. In fact, the elements of the code are the rows 
of M.

    def linear_code(self):
        dim = self.nvariables()
        v = 2 ** dim
        f = self.extended_translate()
        support = [y
                   for y in xsrange(n)
                   if f(y)==1]
        M = matrix(GF(2), [[inner(x, y)
                            for y in support]
                            for x in xsrange(v)])
        return LinearCode(M)

There is Sage function strongly_regular_from_two_
weight_code(), described at 
"A strongly regular graph can be built from a two-weight projective code 
with weights w1,w2 (assuming w1 < w2) by adding an edge between any two 
codewords whose difference has weight w1."

The graph G2 that I am using in test_isomorphism.sage is thus 

The bent function f can have one of two weights. If m=dim/2, the weight of 
f is either 2^{2m-1} - 2^{m-1} (weight class 0) or 2^{2m-1}+2^{m-1} (weight 
class 1).
In all cases where m<4, it turns out that if f has weight class 0 then 
f.cayley_graph() is isomorphic to f.strongly_regular_graph(), and if f has 
weight class 0 then f.cayley_graph() is isomorphic to 
For m=4, these isomorphisms are true for the bent functions in the extended 
affine equivalence class of the bent function corresponding to each of the 
first 8 polynomials listed below. For polynomials 9 and 10, there are 
according to the canonical label algorithms as implemented in Sage.

def bent_function_extended_affine_representative_polynomials_dimension_8():
    The Boolean polynomials p8[i] for from 1 to 10 are the representatives 
    the extended affine equivalence classes of bent functions in 8 
    with degree up to 3, as listed at 7.3 of Tokareva 2015,
    with citation [167] to Hou 1998.
    R8.<x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8> = BooleanPolynomialRing(8)
    p8 = [None]*11
    p8[1] = x1*x2 + x3*x4 + x5*x6 + x7*x8
    p8[2] = x1*x2*x3 + x1*x4 + x2*x5 + x3*x6 + x7*x8
    p8[3] = x1*x2*x3 + x2*x4*x5 + x3*x4 + x2*x6 + x1*x7 + x5*x8
    p8[4] = x1*x2*x3 + x2*x4*x5 + x1*x3 + x1*x5 + x2*x6 + x3*x4 + x7*x8
    p8[5] = x1*x2*x3 + x2*x4*x5 + x3*x4*x6 + x3*x5 + x2*x6 + x2*x5 + x1*x7 
+ x4*x8
    p8[6] = x1*x2*x3 + x2*x4*x5 + x3*x4*x6 + x3*x5 + x1*x3 + x1*x4 + x2*x7 
+ x6*x8
    p8[7] = x1*x2*x3 + x2*x4*x5 + x3*x4*x6 + x3*x5 + x2*x6 + x2*x5 + x1*x2 
+ x1*x3 + x1*x4 + x7*x8
    p8[8] = x1*x2*x3 + x2*x4*x5 + x3*x4*x6 + x3*x5 + x1*x6 + x2*x7 + x4*x8
    p8[9] = x1*x2*x7 + x3*x4*x7 + x5*x6*x7 + x1*x4 + x3*x6 + x2*x5 + x4*x5 
+ x7*x8
    p8[10] = x1*x2*x3 + x2*x4*x5 + x3*x4*x6 + x1*x4*x7 + x3*x5 + x2*x7 + 
x1*x5 + x1*x6 + x4*x8
    return p8


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