On Wednesday, 21 December 2016 07:14:51 UTC-5, NITIN DARKUNDE wrote:
> Respected Sir,
>                     I am trying to find Groebner basis of an ideal in 
> polynomial ring in 35 variables over GF(2)(As per suggestions earlier, I am 
> working over GF(2) instead of GF(3))  but I am not able to see the output 
> using sage. Even it do not shows any error in it. So,how to get the 
> output?(Even I tried singular, but can't succeed.)
> -- 
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Yours faithfully,
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> *Mr. Nitin Shridhar Darkunde.Assistant Professor,Department of 
> Mathematics,School of Mathematical Sciences,Swami Ramanand Teerth 
> Marathwada University,Vishnupuri, Nanded-431 606 (M.S.), India.Mob. 
> No:08275268895    Or   
>  09273500312*********************************************************
> Try removing the semi-colon;;;;;;;

Best regards,
                     Jack Fearnley

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