
El domingo, 25 de diciembre de 2016, 0:40:43 (UTC+1), Dima Pasechnik 
> On Saturday, December 24, 2016 at 11:20:32 PM UTC, Dima Pasechnik wrote:
>> On Saturday, December 24, 2016 at 3:38:43 PM UTC, Enrique Artal wrote:
>>> I need to use a gap package which is not installed by sage, namely nq. I 
>>> have been able to install it using wiki instructions and I can use it in a 
>>> gap session inside sage: e.g., 
>>> LowerCentralFactors(FreeGroup(1),1);
>>> after the package has been loaded. In a sage session the following code 
>>> works 
>>> gap_reset_workspace()
>>> gap.LoadPackage('"nq"')
>>> F0=gap.FreeGroup(1)
>>> gap.LowerCentralFactors(F0,1)
>>> but not the following one
>>> gap.LowerCentralFactors(FreeGroup(1).gap(),1)
>> I'd suggest using libgap. rather than gap., in particular as Sage's 
>> FreeGroup is implemented using libgap
>> interface. So the last command needs to cross from GAP to libGAP 
>> interface, and this might be flaky.
> indeed, the following works (afer installing nq):
> sage: libgap.LowerCentralFactors(FreeGroup(1),1)
> [ [ 0 ] ]
> sage: libgap.LoadPackage('nq') # single ' here!
> true
> sage: F0=libgap.FreeGroup(1)
> sage: libgap. (F0,1)
> [ [ 0 ] ]
> sage: libgap.LowerCentralFactors(FreeGroup(1),1)
> [ [ 0 ] ]
> To make this work you will need to edit the file
> SAGE_ROOT/src/sage/libs/gap/
> and add the line
>   'LowerCentralFactors',
> into the long list of GAP functions there. 
> (And probably more functions from the package
> need to be added to be callable this way)
> we will need to automate this at some point...
> Don't forget to run 'sage -b' for this change to take effect.
> Dima
>>> Thanks, Enrique

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