Hi Vincent

On 27 January 2017 at 16:39, Vincent Delecroix <20100.delecr...@gmail.com>

> Hi Jan,
> Could the dependencies be part of the ppa metadata? That would be simpler
> for users to have fully automated process.

I thought it was, but seems not to be (anymore), since the deb package
sagemath-upstream-binary does not really build-depend on build-essential,

f we added it (which would be wrong for the deb package), and just so you
could  do this convoluted install:

sudo apt-add-repository sagemath-upstream-binary
# I suspect you have to manually enable the deb-src line in the
aims-sagemath-trusty.list here...
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get build-dep sagemath-upstream-binary

It seems counter-intuitive to enable the PPA if you are building from
source (except if you are testing things, and have all the build-depends
already) and the build-depends in the package could easily become out of
date with the real sage build-depends (I haven't even checked to update
that since about version 5 of sage).

So this below is really the up to date list, and it looks like
build-essential is not mentioned,
(Doesn't look like the build-depends changed sinc version 5 but I'm not
sure. ;)
Note that the original poster did have gcc installed, which depends
libgcc-4.8-dev, which contains the file limits.h in question, so something
else was strange about his setup.


The future of the PPA is unclear -- I am not actively building for 16.04,
since we are moving our campus from Ubuntu to Debian, and sage 7.4 is in
Debian testing which will be stable soon, so sage will also be in the next
Ubuntu.  (Note the sage in debian contains no jsmol, but 3d plotting with
viewer=canvas3d or jmol from the sage command line works.)

If the debian-science-sagemath team does not plan backports (haven't asked
yet), we will host a debian repository for updated sagemath-upstream-binary
(because that is still a vastly smaller job than the debianized sagemath

In the meantime I'll update the PPA while my scripts don't break and time
allows. sage 7.5.1 on ubuntu 14.04 is in sagemath-dev PPA at the moment,
and will be copied over to stable soon, since nobody on campus has
complained for a few days and a sagemath course is running here on 7.5.1
from dev PPA.

So it is likely in the PPA 14.04 will receive updates, 16.04 will stay at
7.3 or something, and I will ask someone to take over (if necessary, rather
direct energy at proper sage in debian, then ubuntu inherits it).


  /V\     Jan Groenewald
 /( )\    www.aims.ac.za

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