On Friday, April 7, 2017 at 5:18:34 PM UTC+1, Chris Seberino wrote:
> I have no doubt you know about group theory and math in general more than 
> me.  I have no doubt
> your answer is defensible and accurate.  
> What I'm concerned about is the young students and what they expect to see 
> when
> they type factor( ... ).

They have to get used to the fact that the answer depends upon the domain 
the object they factor
comes from. Think e.g. about x^2-2  factored as (x-sqrt(2))*(x+sqrt(2)) 
 --- or not, if we only allow rational
coefficients in our polynomials. Or x^2+1 being factored as (x-i)*(x+i) 
 --- or not, if we only allow real coefficients...

> cs
> On Friday, April 7, 2017 at 9:56:31 AM UTC-5, projetmbc wrote:
>> Just try : 
>> --------------------------------- 
>> Z_T, t =  ZZ['x'].objgen() 
>> print factor(6*t+3) 
>> print factor(6*x+3) 
>> --------------------------------- 
>> You will se that you need to use the right ring of polynomials. 
>> C. 

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