I'm running Sage on my local machine (so not the sage math cloud), and some 
of my computations just stop with no output or error message.
My code looks essentially like this:

def compute(revLex):
    long computations
    print some stuff
    write some stuff to files

r = compute(L)
for x in r:

When I work with small cases, everything is fine. However for bigger cases 
the computations tend to take upwards of 2 hours, and then just stop. 
The only reason why I know one of the computations even stopped is because 
I'm staring at TOP in a console window and see the uptime jump from 110 
orso minutes to 0 minutes, meaning that one job was finished, and it 
started working on the next.
When this happens no output is printen, and the file to which some stuff 
should have been written is empty.

What could cause this (besides a programming error on my part)? Is there 
some timeout even when running on your local machine? Or some resource 
limitations that just quit Sage if its using too much memory orso?

I really hope that someone has an idea here, because each of these 
computations takes around 2 hours, so its very impracticle to just keep 
trying to see what works.

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