Hi all !

I wanted to know whether Sagemath had any support for cyclic algebras. From 
the manual, I strongly suspect the answer is "no", but you never know.

Let me be more concrete. For a prime p, let K be QQ with the p-th roots of 
unity adjoined. For a, b in K, there is a cyclic algebra (a,b) over K 
(technically, this depends on a choice of primitive root in K); for p=2, 
this is the quaternion algebra (a, b) over QQ.

I would like to be able to answer questions such as: is (a,b) trivial? For 
p=2, Sage does this, essentially with hilbert_conductor(a,b).

Also, (a,b) is trivial if and only if b is a norm from K[a^(1/p)]. Finding 
explicitly an element from this field whose norm is b would be awesome. 
When p=2 and so K=QQ, it's a matter of finding x, y in QQ such that x^2 - 
ay^2 = b, and trying random values for x and y (essentially...) works fine. 
Over more complicated fields, PARI has functions accessible through sage to 
find points on conics.

If any of the above can be facilitated by Sage for p odd, it would be great.


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