This is now Trac#23993 <>, but 
deserves further discussion. I'll post something on sage-devel after 
thinking it out.


Emmanuel Charpentier

Le dimanche 8 octobre 2017 20:59:26 UTC+2, Emmanuel Charpentier a écrit :
> Yet another datapoint : our interface to mathematica *can* be used to get 
> a solution. The problem I got was that the result can't be translated back 
> to Sage : Mathematica express its results as "rules" (e.g "var  -> 
> expression" means "expression is a solution for var"). Manually translating 
> these rules gives the Sage expression of the solutions.
> HTH,
> --
> Emmanuel Charpentier
> Le dimanche 8 octobre 2017 11:59:33 UTC+2, Emmanuel Charpentier a écrit :
>> Another datapoint : Sympy seems to be able to (slowly) solve this system, 
>> via :
>> from sympy.solvers import solve as ssolve
>> ssol=ssolve([e.rhs()-e.lhs() for e in [eq1,eq2,eq3]],[x,y,z])
>> The output can be converted to Sage via:
>> Ssol=map(lambda S:map(lambda v,s:v==SR(repr(s)).simplify_full(), [x,y,z], 
>> S), ssol)
>> HTH,
>> --
>> Emmanuel Charpentier
>> Le samedi 7 octobre 2017 20:19:55 UTC+2, Emmanuel Charpentier a écrit :
>>> Inspired by an as.sagemath question 
>>> <>,
>>> I tried to solve a not-so-simple system, and found that Sagemath (8.1beta7) 
>>> is currently unable to solve it :
>>> sage: var("x,y,z,K")
>>> (x, y, z, K)
>>> sage: xi=3/4
>>> sage: yi=0
>>> sage: zi=0
>>> sage: eq1=K==y^2*z/x^2
>>> sage: eq2=xi+yi==x+y
>>> sage: eq3=2*xi+yi+2*zi==2*x+y+2*z
>>> sage: solve([eq1,eq2,eq3],[x,y,z])
>>> []
>>> However, this system *is* solvable : one ca solve [eq2,eq3] for y and z, 
>>> substitute the (only) solution in eq1 and solve it for x, which turns out 
>>> to give three solutions (looking suspiciously close to the solution of a 
>>> cubic) ; substituting each of these solutions in the solutions for y and z 
>>> gives three (not-so-light) solutions for the system.
>>> Trying to solve it with maxima invoked from sage also fails :
>>> sage: %%maxima
>>> ....: display2d:false;
>>> ....: xi:3/4$
>>> ....: yi:0$
>>> ....: zi:0$
>>> ....: eq1:K=y^2*z/x^2$
>>> ....: eq2:xi+yi=x+y$
>>> ....: eq3:2*xi+y+2*zi=2*x+y+2*z$
>>> ....: sys:[eq1,eq2,eq3];
>>> ....: sol:solve(sys,[x,y,z])$
>>> ....: l:length(sol)$
>>> ....: l;
>>> ....: 
>>> false
>>> [K=(y^2*z)/x^2,3/4=y+x,y+3/2=2*z+y+2*x]
>>> 0
>>> Printing the value of sys shows that it is defined. Printing the length 
>>> of the solution that this solution is indeed has length 0 (no solution) and 
>>> that failing to print it is *not* an interprocess communication problem 
>>> caused by a "too long" result.
>>> However, when running the same Maxima program in the interpreter from 
>>> the command line does give a solution (much more massive, by the way, that 
>>> the one obtained manually). See enclosed source and output, obtained by :
>>> cat ttstSolve.mac | sage --maxima > ttstSolve.out
>>> Therefore, the problem seems to exist in Sage's interface to maxima, not 
>>> in Maxima itself.
>>> Perusing the list <> of 
>>> symbolics tickets didn't allow me to recognize this bug. A cursory 
>>> inspection of Maxima-related tickets gave no more results.
>>> Questions :
>>> 1) Is this a new bug ?
>>> 2) Does it deserve a ticket ?
>>> For what it's worth, Mathematica has no problem solving the system (in 
>>> its native interface) and gives relatively lightweight solutions ; I failed 
>>> to obtain solutions from fricas, giac and maple, as well as to get 
>>> Mathematica's answer through its Sage interface.
>>> HTH,
>>> --
>>> Emmanuel Charpentier

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