Le jeudi 31 janvier 2019 06:52:10 UTC+1, Tevian Dray a écrit : 
> >> You can use the plot functionality of vector fields on 
> >> Euclidean spaces to get better arrowheads: 
> OK; I can get jmol to work with some browsers, although it is painfully 
> slow.  But the results are very nice. 
Hopefully, some day threejs will replace jmol as the default 3d viewer:

> Finally, is there a simple mechanism to enable Sage to plot vector fields 
> with singularities, such as a pole at the origin?  I've had no luck yet 
> trying to plot something like: 
>   E.vector_field((-y/(x^2+y^2),x/(x^2+y^2))) 
> I've tried piecing together nonsingular domains, although I'm possibly not 
> doing it correctly.  But there is surely a more elegant solution, such as 
> cutting off the vector field at some maximum magnitude. 

The cut off should definitely be added to the plot method of vector fields, 
among many other improvements to be done...
Meanwhile, you can define a subdomain of E, U say, where the vector field 
is everywhere regular and plot the restriction of the vector field to U. 
For your example, U can be E minus the disk x^2+y^2 <= 0.01:

sage: E.<x,y> = EuclideanSpace()
sage: v = E.vector_field((-y/(x^2+y^2),x/(x^2+y^2)))
sage: U = E.open_subset('U', coord_def={E.cartesian_coordinates(): 
sage: v.restrict(U).plot(max_range=1, scale=0.2)

In the above code,  "coord_def" stands for the coordinate definition of the 
open subset U and "v.restrict(U)" is the restriction of v to U.

Best wishes,


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