Thank you. I don't like to use /opt. My real question is how to make a
deb without all this question about proprietary software. Ubuntu has
sagemath 8.1 in path /usr/lib/sagemath, but sometimes I run my ipynb, by
clicking on its name, and I thaught it would run sage-8.6 but therefore
I need to create a link, that's what I will do and uninstall sagemath-8.1
Le 16/03/2019 à 20:23, Vincent Delecroix a écrit :
Unless your Linux distribution is very permissive you should never
access the /usr repo in write mode. The standard place to install
your custom softwares is /opt [1].
Le 16/03/2019 à 19:27, HG a écrit :
I have ubuntu 18.04 with sagemath-8.1, I use sagemath-8.6 (this one
is call
from its dir) and I compiled dev sage 8.7, i don't need 3 sage, i
only want
sage dev ans I wonder if I install it as a normal programm /usr after
./configure --prefix=/usr make and make install if it could work ?
I have no risk on my pc if it's mess I just reinstall a fresh one.
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