Dear Fernando,

PARI/GP is included in Sage so that you can at least do

sage: R = PolynomialRing(ZZ, 'x')
sage: x = R.gen()
sage: p = x^2 - 2
sage: pari.padicappr(p, pari('4 + O(7)'))
[4 + O(7)]~

There might be some more convenient functions using the Sage
native implementations of p-adic numbers.


Le 01/08/2019 à 22:02, Fernando Gouvea a écrit :

Hi, everyone.

I'm an old user of GP and a very raw beginner when it comes to Sage, so
please forgive the naiveté!

For a new edition of my book on the p-adics I am trying to add pointers to
how to do things on a computer with p-adic numbers. Everything in the book
is very elementary, so I'd like to avoid complications and use only short
bits of code that can be computed with the Sage Cell Server.

So, for the section on Hensel's Lemma I want to know how to find an
approximate p-adic root of a polynomial. In GP, this is padicappr(pol,a),
where pol is a polynomial and a is a p-adic number which is a root mod p.
Is there anything like that in Sage?


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