Hi Daniel,

As far as I know, no such method is implemented in the polyhedron class.

If I understood your situation, you want to know the set of coordinates 
"x_i" such that the projection along that axis is an injective function 
i.e. given a point in the image of the projection, you can lift it back 
uniquely using equations.

Already here, I see that this can be non-empty if and only if you have 
which is what you want I guess. So, to compute the coordinates for which 
property is true, I would compute a basis for the affine hull of the 
(essentially, being lazy, I would just compute the polyhedron by dropping 
inequalities and take the lines as my basis) and if that basis has a 
vector e_i, then that vector is in the complement of the set you're looking 


Le lundi 25 février 2019 11:10:24 UTC+1, Daniel Krenn a écrit :
> The H-representation consists of equations and inequalities and the 
> equations seem to be in some canonical form. Is there a method that 
> returns the non-free variables (or indices), i.e. that are the variables 
> completely determined by the equations meaning once a value for the 
> other variables is fixed, then one can compute them and no further 
> restrictions apply. 
> E.g. for 
> sage: polytopes.simplex(2).Hrepresentation() 
> (An equation (1, 1, 1) x - 1 == 0, 
>  An inequality (0, -1, -1) x + 1 >= 0, 
>  An inequality (0, 1, 0) x + 0 >= 0, 
>  An inequality (0, 0, 1) x + 0 >= 0) 
> I simply want to get the list of indices [0], as the first component is 
> only determined by (1, 1, 1) x - 1 and does not appear in any of the 
> inequalities. 

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