On Sat, Oct 19, 2019 at 12:07 AM Sinan Kapçak <sinankap...@gmail.com> wrote:
> on Linux Ubuntu 19.10 -
> Sage installed by binaries downloaded by a torrent.
> Downloaded and extracted and ./sage.

it would be surprising if a binary for an earlier Ubuntu version
worked on 19.10.
You might need to build Sage from source...

> ***************************************************************************
> IPython post-mortem report
> {'commit_hash': u'033ab93c7',
>  'commit_source': 'installation',
>  'default_encoding': 'UTF-8',
>  'ipython_path': 
> '/home/kapcak/Documents/Sage89/sage-8.9-Ubuntu_16.04-x86_64/SageMath/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/IPython',
>  'ipython_version': '5.8.0',
>  'os_name': 'posix',
>  'platform': 'Linux-5.3.0-18-generic-x86_64-with-debian-buster-sid',
>  'sys_executable': 
> '/home/kapcak/Documents/Sage89/sage-8.9-Ubuntu_16.04-x86_64/SageMath/local/bin/python2',
>  'sys_platform': 'linux2',
>  'sys_version': '2.7.15 (default, Oct  4 2019, 05:22:55) \n[GCC 7.4.0]'}
> ***************************************************************************
> ***************************************************************************
> Crash traceback:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ImportErrorPython 2.7.15: 
> /home/kapcak/Documents/Sage89/sage-8.9-Ubuntu_16.04-x86_64/SageMath/local/bin/python2
>                                                    Sat Oct 19 01:57:57 2019
> A problem occurred executing Python code.  Here is the sequence of function
> calls leading up to the error, with the most recent (innermost) call last.
> /home/kapcak/Documents/Sage89/sage-8.9-Ubuntu_16.04-x86_64/SageMath/src/bin/sage-ipython
>  in <module>()
>       1 #!/usr/bin/env sage-python23
>       2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
>       3 """
>       4 Sage IPython startup script.
>       5 """
>       6
>       7 # Display startup banner. Do this before anything else to give the 
> user
>       8 # early feedback that Sage is starting.
>       9 from sage.misc.banner import banner
>      10 banner()
>      11
>      12 from sage.repl.interpreter import SageTerminalApp
>      13
>      14 app = SageTerminalApp.instance()
> ---> 15 app.initialize()
>         global app.initialize = <bound method SageTerminalApp.initialize of 
> <sage.repl.interpreter.SageTerminalApp object at 0x7f1a30ef3c50>>
>      16 app.start()
> </home/kapcak/Documents/Sage89/sage-8.9-Ubuntu_16.04-x86_64/SageMath/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/decorator.py:decorator-gen-110>
>  in initialize(self=<sage.repl.interpreter.SageTerminalApp object>, argv=None)
> /home/kapcak/Documents/Sage89/sage-8.9-Ubuntu_16.04-x86_64/SageMath/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/traitlets/config/application.py
>  in catch_config_error(method=<function initialize>, 
> app=<sage.repl.interpreter.SageTerminalApp object>, *args=(None,), 
> **kwargs={})
>      73 else:
>      74     raise ValueError("Unsupported value for environment variable: 
> of  {'0', '1', 'false', 'true', ''}."% _envvar )
>      75
>      76
>      77 @decorator
>      78 def catch_config_error(method, app, *args, **kwargs):
>      79     """Method decorator for catching invalid config 
> (Trait/ArgumentErrors) during init.
>      80
>      81     On a TraitError (generally caused by bad config), this will print 
> the trait's
>      82     message, and exit the app.
>      83
>      84     For use on init methods, to prevent invoking excepthook on 
> invalid input.
>      85     """
>      86     try:
> ---> 87         return method(app, *args, **kwargs)
>         method = <function initialize at 0x7f1a2d892c80>
>         app = <sage.repl.interpreter.SageTerminalApp object at 0x7f1a30ef3c50>
>         args = (None,)
>         kwargs = {}
>      88     except (TraitError, ArgumentError) as e:
>      89         app.print_help()
>      90         app.log.fatal("Bad config encountered during initialization:")
>      91         app.log.fatal(str(e))
>      92         app.log.debug("Config at the time: %s", app.config)
>      93         app.exit(1)
>      94
>      95
>      96 class ApplicationError(Exception):
>      97     pass
>      98
>      99
>     100 class LevelFormatter(logging.Formatter):
>     101     """Formatter with additional `highlevel` record
>     102
> /home/kapcak/Documents/Sage89/sage-8.9-Ubuntu_16.04-x86_64/SageMath/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/IPython/terminal/ipapp.py
>  in initialize(self=<sage.repl.interpreter.SageTerminalApp object>, argv=None)
>     301
>     302         return super(TerminalIPythonApp, 
> self).parse_command_line(argv)
>     303
>     304     @catch_config_error
>     305     def initialize(self, argv=None):
>     306         """Do actions after construct, but before starting the app."""
>     307         super(TerminalIPythonApp, self).initialize(argv)
>     308         if self.subapp is not None:
>     309             # don't bother initializing further, starting subapp
>     310             return
>     311         # print self.extra_args
>     312         if self.extra_args and not self.something_to_run:
>     313             self.file_to_run = self.extra_args[0]
>     314         self.init_path()
>     315         # create the shell
> --> 316         self.init_shell()
>         self.init_shell = <bound method SageTerminalApp.init_shell of 
> <sage.repl.interpreter.SageTerminalApp object at 0x7f1a30ef3c50>>
>     317         # and draw the banner
>     318         self.init_banner()
>     319         # Now a variety of things that happen after the banner is 
> printed.
>     320         self.init_gui_pylab()
>     321         self.init_extensions()
>     322         self.init_code()
>     323
>     324     def init_shell(self):
>     325         """initialize the InteractiveShell instance"""
>     326         # Create an InteractiveShell instance.
>     327         # shell.display_banner should always be False for the terminal
>     328         # based app, because we call shell.show_banner() by hand below
>     329         # so the banner shows *before* all extension loading stuff.
>     330         self.shell = 
> self.interactive_shell_class.instance(parent=self,
>     331                         profile_dir=self.profile_dir,
> /home/kapcak/Documents/Sage89/sage-8.9-Ubuntu_16.04-x86_64/SageMath/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/repl/interpreter.py
>  in init_shell(self=<sage.repl.interpreter.SageTerminalApp object>)
>     772         self.shell.has_sage_extensions = SAGE_EXTENSION in 
> self.extensions
>     773
>     774         # Load the %lprun extension if available
>     775         try:
>     776             import line_profiler
>     777         except ImportError:
>     778             pass
>     779         else:
>     780             self.extensions.append('line_profiler')
>     781
>     782         if self.shell.has_sage_extensions:
>     783             self.extensions.remove(SAGE_EXTENSION)
>     784
>     785             # load sage extension here to get a crash if
>     786             # something is wrong with the sage library
> --> 787             
> self.shell.extension_manager.load_extension(SAGE_EXTENSION)
>         self.shell.extension_manager.load_extension = <bound method 
> ExtensionManager.load_extension of <IPython.core.extensions.ExtensionManager 
> object at 0x7f1a2b74b550>>
>         global SAGE_EXTENSION = 'sage'
>     788
>     789
> /home/kapcak/Documents/Sage89/sage-8.9-Ubuntu_16.04-x86_64/SageMath/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/IPython/core/extensions.py
>  in load_extension(self=<IPython.core.extensions.ExtensionManager object>, 
> module_str='sage')
>      70
>      71         Returns the string "already loaded" if the extension is 
> already loaded,
>      72         "no load function" if the module doesn't have a 
> load_ipython_extension
>      73         function, or None if it succeeded.
>      74         """
>      75         if module_str in self.loaded:
>      76             return "already loaded"
>      77
>      78         from IPython.utils.syspathcontext import prepended_to_syspath
>      79
>      80         with self.shell.builtin_trap:
>      81             if module_str not in sys.modules:
>      82                 with prepended_to_syspath(self.ipython_extension_dir):
>      83                     __import__(module_str)
>      84             mod = sys.modules[module_str]
> ---> 85             if self._call_load_ipython_extension(mod):
>         self._call_load_ipython_extension = <bound method 
> ExtensionManager._call_load_ipython_extension of 
> <IPython.core.extensions.ExtensionManager object at 0x7f1a2b74b550>>
>         mod = <module 'sage' from 
> '/home/kapcak/Documents/Sage89/sage-8.9-Ubuntu_16.04-x86_64/SageMath/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/__init__.py'>
>      86                 self.loaded.add(module_str)
>      87             else:
>      88                 return "no load function"
>      89
>      90     def unload_extension(self, module_str):
>      91         """Unload an IPython extension by its module name.
>      92
>      93         This function looks up the extension's name in 
> ``sys.modules`` and
>      94         simply calls ``mod.unload_ipython_extension(self)``.
>      95
>      96         Returns the string "no unload function" if the extension 
> doesn't define
>      97         a function to unload itself, "not loaded" if the extension 
> isn't loaded,
>      98         otherwise None.
>      99         """
>     100         if module_str not in self.loaded:
> /home/kapcak/Documents/Sage89/sage-8.9-Ubuntu_16.04-x86_64/SageMath/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/IPython/core/extensions.py
>  in 
> _call_load_ipython_extension(self=<IPython.core.extensions.ExtensionManager 
> object>, mod=<module 'sage' from 
> '/home/kapcak/Documents/Sage...al/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/__init__.py'>)
>     117         """
>     118         from IPython.utils.syspathcontext import prepended_to_syspath
>     119
>     120         if (module_str in self.loaded) and (module_str in 
> sys.modules):
>     121             self.unload_extension(module_str)
>     122             mod = sys.modules[module_str]
>     123             with prepended_to_syspath(self.ipython_extension_dir):
>     124                 reload(mod)
>     125             if self._call_load_ipython_extension(mod):
>     126                 self.loaded.add(module_str)
>     127         else:
>     128             self.load_extension(module_str)
>     129
>     130     def _call_load_ipython_extension(self, mod):
>     131         if hasattr(mod, 'load_ipython_extension'):
> --> 132             mod.load_ipython_extension(self.shell)
>         mod.load_ipython_extension = <function load_ipython_extension at 
> 0x7f1a31989c08>
>         self.shell = <sage.repl.interpreter.SageTerminalInteractiveShell 
> object at 0x7f1a2d893e10>
>     133             return True
>     134
>     135     def _call_unload_ipython_extension(self, mod):
>     136         if hasattr(mod, 'unload_ipython_extension'):
>     137             mod.unload_ipython_extension(self.shell)
>     138             return True
>     139
>     140     def install_extension(self, url, filename=None):
>     141         """Download and install an IPython extension.
>     142
>     143         If filename is given, the file will be so named (inside the 
> extension
>     144         directory). Otherwise, the name from the URL will be used. 
> The file must
>     145         have a .py or .zip extension; otherwise, a ValueError will be 
> raised.
>     146
>     147         Returns the full path to the installed file.
> /home/kapcak/Documents/Sage89/sage-8.9-Ubuntu_16.04-x86_64/SageMath/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/__init__.py
>  in 
> load_ipython_extension(*args=(<sage.repl.interpreter.SageTerminalInteractiveShell
>  object>,))
>       1 __all__ = ['all']
>       2
>       3 # Set sage.__version__ to the current version number. This is 
> analogous
>       4 # to many other Python packages.
>       5 from sage.version import version as __version__
>       6
>       7 # Make sure that the correct zlib library is loaded. This is needed
>       8 # to prevent the system zlib to be loaded instead of the Sage one.
>       9 # See https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/23122
>      10 import zlib
>      11
>      12 # IPython calls this when starting up
>      13 def load_ipython_extension(*args):
>      14     import sage.repl.ipython_extension
> ---> 15     sage.repl.ipython_extension.load_ipython_extension(*args)
>         sage.repl.ipython_extension.load_ipython_extension = <function 
> load_ipython_extension at 0x7f1a2f478050>
>         args = (<sage.repl.interpreter.SageTerminalInteractiveShell object at 
> 0x7f1a2d893e10>,)
>      16
>      17
>      18 # Monkey-patch inspect.isfunction() to support Cython functions.
>      19 def isfunction(obj):
>      20     """
>      21     Check whether something is a function.
>      22
>      23     We assume that anything which has a genuine ``__code__``
>      24     attribute (not using ``__getattr__`` overrides) is a function.
>      25     This is meant to support Cython functions.
>      26
>      27     EXAMPLES::
>      28
>      29         sage: from inspect import isfunction
>      30         sage: def f(): pass
>      31         sage: isfunction(f)
> /home/kapcak/Documents/Sage89/sage-8.9-Ubuntu_16.04-x86_64/SageMath/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/repl/ipython_extension.py
>  in wrapper(*args=(<sage.repl.interpreter.SageTerminalInteractiveShell 
> object>,), **kwargs={})
>     547         ....:     if work:
>     548         ....:         return 'foo worked'
>     549         ....:     raise RuntimeError("foo didn't work")
>     550         sage: foo(False)
>     551         Traceback (most recent call last):
>     552         ...
>     553         RuntimeError: foo didn't work
>     554         sage: foo(True)
>     555         'foo worked'
>     556         sage: foo(False)
>     557         sage: foo(True)
>     558     """
>     559     @wraps(func)
>     560     def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
>     561         if not wrapper.has_run:
> --> 562             result = func(*args, **kwargs)
>         result = undefined
>         global func = undefined
>         args = (<sage.repl.interpreter.SageTerminalInteractiveShell object at 
> 0x7f1a2d893e10>,)
>         kwargs = {}
>     563             wrapper.has_run = True
>     564             return result
>     565     wrapper.has_run = False
>     566     return wrapper
>     567
>     568
>     569 @run_once
>     570 def load_ipython_extension(ip):
>     571     """
>     572     Load the extension in IPython.
>     573     """
>     574     # this modifies ip
>     575     SageCustomizations(shell=ip)
> /home/kapcak/Documents/Sage89/sage-8.9-Ubuntu_16.04-x86_64/SageMath/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/repl/ipython_extension.py
>  in 
> load_ipython_extension(ip=<sage.repl.interpreter.SageTerminalInteractiveShell 
> object>)
>     560     def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
>     561         if not wrapper.has_run:
>     562             result = func(*args, **kwargs)
>     563             wrapper.has_run = True
>     564             return result
>     565     wrapper.has_run = False
>     566     return wrapper
>     567
>     568
>     569 @run_once
>     570 def load_ipython_extension(ip):
>     571     """
>     572     Load the extension in IPython.
>     573     """
>     574     # this modifies ip
> --> 575     SageCustomizations(shell=ip)
>         global SageCustomizations = <class 
> 'sage.repl.ipython_extension.SageCustomizations'>
>         global shell = undefined
>         ip = <sage.repl.interpreter.SageTerminalInteractiveShell object at 
> 0x7f1a2d893e10>
> /home/kapcak/Documents/Sage89/sage-8.9-Ubuntu_16.04-x86_64/SageMath/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/repl/ipython_extension.py
>  in __init__(self=<sage.repl.ipython_extension.SageCustomizations object>, 
> shell=<sage.repl.interpreter.SageTerminalInteractiveShell object>)
>     418     def __init__(self, shell=None):
>     419         """
>     420         Initialize the Sage plugin.
>     421         """
>     422         self.shell = shell
>     423
>     424         self.auto_magics = SageMagics(shell)
>     425         self.shell.register_magics(self.auto_magics)
>     426
>     427         import sage.misc.edit_module as edit_module
>     428         self.shell.set_hook('editor', edit_module.edit_devel)
>     429
>     430         self.init_inspector()
>     431         self.init_line_transforms()
>     432
> --> 433         import sage.all # until sage's import hell is fixed
>         sage.all = undefined
>     434
>     435         self.shell.verbose_quit = True
>     436         self.set_quit_hook()
>     437
>     438         self.register_interface_magics()
>     439
>     440         if SAGE_IMPORTALL == 'yes':
>     441             self.init_environment()
>     442
>     443     def register_interface_magics(self):
>     444         """
>     445         Register magics for each of the Sage interfaces
>     446         """
>     447         from sage.repl.interface_magic import InterfaceMagic
>     448         InterfaceMagic.register_all(self.shell)
> /home/kapcak/Documents/Sage89/sage-8.9-Ubuntu_16.04-x86_64/SageMath/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/all.py
>  in <module>()
>      82
>      83 import sage.misc.lazy_import
>      84 from sage.misc.all       import *         # takes a while
>      85 from sage.typeset.all    import *
>      86 from sage.repl.all       import *
>      87
>      88 from sage.misc.sh import sh
>      89
>      90 from sage.libs.all       import *
>      91 from sage.data_structures.all import *
>      92 from sage.doctest.all    import *
>      93
>      94 from sage.structure.all  import *
>      95 from sage.rings.all      import *
>      96 from sage.arith.all      import *
> ---> 97 from sage.matrix.all     import *
>         global sage.matrix.all = undefined
>      98
>      99 from sage.symbolic.all   import *
>     100 from sage.modules.all    import *
>     101 from sage.monoids.all    import *
>     102 from sage.algebras.all   import *
>     103 from sage.modular.all    import *
>     104 from sage.sat.all        import *
>     105 from sage.schemes.all    import *
>     106 from sage.graphs.all     import *
>     107 from sage.groups.all     import *
>     108 from sage.arith.power    import generic_power as power
>     109 from sage.databases.all  import *
>     110 from sage.categories.all import *
>     111 from sage.sets.all       import *
>     112 from sage.probability.all import *
> /home/kapcak/Documents/Sage89/sage-8.9-Ubuntu_16.04-x86_64/SageMath/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/matrix/__init__.py
>  in <module>()
>       1 # Resolve a cyclic import
> ----> 2 import sage.matrix.args
>         global sage.matrix.args = undefined
> /home/kapcak/Documents/Sage89/sage-8.9-Ubuntu_16.04-x86_64/SageMath/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/matrix/args.pyx
>  in init sage.matrix.args (build/cythonized/sage/matrix/args.c:21226)()
>      10 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
>      11 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
>      12 # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
>      13 # (at your option) any later version.
>      14 #                  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
>      15 
> #*****************************************************************************
>      16
>      17 from __future__ import absolute_import, generator_stop
>      18
>      19 cimport cython
>      20 from cpython.sequence cimport PySequence_Fast
>      21 from cysignals.signals cimport sig_check
>      22 from cypari2.gen cimport Gen
>      23 from cypari2.types cimport typ, t_MAT, t_VEC, t_COL, t_VECSMALL, 
>      24
> ---> 25 from .matrix_space import MatrixSpace
>         global matrix_space = undefined
>         global MatrixSpace = undefined
>      26 from sage.rings.all import ZZ, RDF, CDF
>      27 from sage.structure.coerce cimport (coercion_model,
>      28         is_numpy_type, py_scalar_parent)
>      29 from sage.structure.element cimport Element, RingElement, Vector
>      30 from sage.arith.long cimport pyobject_to_long
>      31 from sage.misc.misc_c import sized_iter
>      32 from sage.categories import monoids
>      33
>      34
>      35 CommutativeMonoids = monoids.Monoids().Commutative()
>      36
>      37
>      38 cdef inline bint element_is_scalar(Element x):
>      39     """
>      40     Should this element be considered a scalar (as opposed to a 
> vector)?
> /home/kapcak/Documents/Sage89/sage-8.9-Ubuntu_16.04-x86_64/SageMath/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/matrix/matrix_space.py
>  in <module>()
>      31 # (at your option) any later version.
>      32 #                  https://www.gnu.org/licenses/
>      33 # 
> ****************************************************************************
>      34 from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import
>      35 from six.moves import range
>      36 from six import iteritems, integer_types
>      37
>      38 # System imports
>      39 import sys
>      40 import operator
>      41
>      42 # Sage matrix imports
>      43 from . import matrix_generic_dense
>      44 from . import matrix_generic_sparse
>      45
> ---> 46 from . import matrix_modn_sparse
>         global matrix_modn_sparse = undefined
>      47
>      48 from . import matrix_mod2_dense
>      49 from . import matrix_gf2e_dense
>      50
>      51 from . import matrix_integer_dense
>      52 from . import matrix_integer_sparse
>      53
>      54 from . import matrix_rational_dense
>      55 from . import matrix_rational_sparse
>      56
>      57 from . import matrix_polynomial_dense
>      58 from . import matrix_mpolynomial_dense
>      59
>      60 # Sage imports
>      61 from sage.misc.superseded import deprecation
> /home/kapcak/Documents/Sage89/sage-8.9-Ubuntu_16.04-x86_64/SageMath/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/matrix/matrix_integer_sparse.pxd
>  in init sage.matrix.matrix_modn_sparse 
> (build/cythonized/sage/matrix/matrix_modn_sparse.cpp:16317)()
>       1 from sage.modules.vector_integer_sparse cimport mpz_vector
>       2 from sage.ext.mod_int cimport mod_int
>       3 from .matrix_sparse cimport Matrix_sparse
>       4
> ----> 5 cdef class Matrix_integer_sparse(Matrix_sparse):
>         global cdef = undefined
>         global Matrix_integer_sparse = undefined
>         global Matrix_sparse = undefined
>       6     cdef mpz_vector* _matrix
>       7
>       8     cdef _mod_int_c(self, mod_int p)
> /home/kapcak/Documents/Sage89/sage-8.9-Ubuntu_16.04-x86_64/SageMath/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/matrix/matrix_integer_dense.pxd
>  in init sage.matrix.matrix_integer_sparse 
> (build/cythonized/sage/matrix/matrix_integer_sparse.cpp:15958)()
>       1 from sage.libs.gmp.types cimport *
>       2 from sage.libs.flint.types cimport fmpz_mat_t
>       3
>       4 from .matrix_dense cimport Matrix_dense
>       5 from sage.rings.integer cimport Integer
>       6 from sage.ext.mod_int cimport *
>       7
>       8 ctypedef long* GEN
>       9
> ---> 10 cdef class Matrix_integer_dense(Matrix_dense):
>         global cdef = undefined
>         global Matrix_integer_dense = undefined
>         global Matrix_dense = undefined
>      11     cdef fmpz_mat_t _matrix
>      12     cdef object _pivots
>      13     cdef int mpz_height(self, mpz_t height) except -1
>      14     cdef _mod_int_c(self, mod_int modulus)
>      15     cdef _mod_two(self)
>      16     cdef _pickle_version0(self)
>      17     cdef _unpickle_version0(self, data)
>      18     cpdef _export_as_string(self, int base=?)
>      19     cdef void set_unsafe_mpz(self, Py_ssize_t i, Py_ssize_t j, const 
> mpz_t value)
>      20     cdef void set_unsafe_si(self, Py_ssize_t i, Py_ssize_t j, long 
> value)
>      21     cdef void set_unsafe_double(self, Py_ssize_t i, Py_ssize_t j, 
> double value)
>      22     cdef inline void get_unsafe_mpz(self, Py_ssize_t i, Py_ssize_t j, 
> mpz_t value)
>      23     cdef inline double get_unsafe_double(self, Py_ssize_t i, 
> Py_ssize_t j)
>      24
>      25     # HNF Modn
>      26     cdef int _hnf_modn(Matrix_integer_dense self, 
> Matrix_integer_dense res,
>      27             unsigned int det) except -1
>      28     cdef int* _hnf_modn_impl(Matrix_integer_dense self, unsigned int 
> det,
>      29             Py_ssize_t nrows, Py_ssize_t ncols) except NULL
>      30
>      31     cdef Matrix_integer_dense _new(self, Py_ssize_t nrows, Py_ssize_t 
> ncols)
> /home/kapcak/Documents/Sage89/sage-8.9-Ubuntu_16.04-x86_64/SageMath/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/matrix/matrix_mod2_dense.pxd
>  in init sage.matrix.matrix_integer_dense 
> (build/cythonized/sage/matrix/matrix_integer_dense.c:55466)()
>       1 from .matrix_dense cimport Matrix_dense
>       2 from sage.libs.m4ri cimport *
>       3
> ----> 4 cdef class Matrix_mod2_dense(Matrix_dense):
>         global cdef = undefined
>         global Matrix_mod2_dense = undefined
>         global Matrix_dense = undefined
>       5     cdef mzd_t *_entries
>       6     cdef object _one
>       7     cdef object _zero
>       8
>       9     cdef set_unsafe_int(self, Py_ssize_t i, Py_ssize_t j, int value)
>      10
>      11     cpdef Matrix_mod2_dense _multiply_m4rm(Matrix_mod2_dense self, 
> Matrix_mod2_dense right, int k)
>      12     cpdef Matrix_mod2_dense _multiply_strassen(Matrix_mod2_dense 
> self, Matrix_mod2_dense right, int cutoff)
>      13
>      14     # For conversion to other systems
>      15     cpdef _export_as_string(self)
> ImportError: libpng12.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or 
> directory
> ***************************************************************************
> History of session input:
> *** Last line of input (may not be in above history):
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