Hi Micheal,

could you share the output of `conda list` for that environment?

Feel free to open an issue for this at 
https://github.com/conda-forge/sage-feedstock/issues as well.


On Tuesday, November 19, 2019 at 6:04:23 PM UTC+1, Michael Boyle wrote:
> I followed the installation instructions for conda 
> <http://doc.sagemath.org/html/en/installation/conda.html> with both
> python=3.6 (the most recent version that could install sage without
> conflicts) and then python=2.7 (the one specifically cited in the
> instructions) on macOS 10.13.6, using miniconda3.7.  Both complete
> installation happily, but sage immediately dies in both environment.s
> I have never used Sage before, so I have no Sage configuration, and I had
> no input history during the session because I literally just typed `sage`
> on the command line and it failed.  I use conda frequently, and don't 
> usually
> have problems, so I doubt that it's anything very specific to my setup.
> Both 3.6 and 2.7 fail in the same way: there's a missing symbol from some
> dylib.  The symbol is
>     __ZNSt3__16vectorIN5GiNaC2exENS_9allocatorIS2_EEE10deallocateEv
> which demangles to
>     std::__1::vector<GiNaC::ex, std::__1::allocator<GiNaC::ex> 
> >::deallocate()
> So I guess that's not getting included in lib, somehow.  The full report
> for 2.7 is attached — though the 3.6 report is essentially identical.
> I've searched through every dylib that conda installs in envs/sage/lib, and
> the only similar symbol I find is
>     __ZNSt3__16vectorIN5GiNaC2exENS_9allocatorIS2_EEE13__vdeallocateEv
> which is in libpynac.dylib -> libpynac.18.dylib, and demangles to
>     std::__1::vector<GiNaC::ex, std::__1::allocator<GiNaC::ex> 
> >::__vdeallocate()
> I wonder if it's related to https://github.com/pynac/pynac/issues/239.
> I appreciate any help you can give me.  Thanks!

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