Congratulations for the book. It looks very nice!

The switch to Python 3 shall take place in early January, with the release 
of SageMath 9.0.
You can see some details on
As you say, your code examples are likely to work without any change, 
except for the print command, which must replaced by the print() function. 
A thing that certainly must be updated is the reference to Sage notebook in 
Sec. 1.8.1 (page 63): the default notebook is now Jupyter. It is launcher 
sage -n jupyter
not with notebook().
You can export your old Sage notebooks (*.sws) to the Jupyter format 
(*.ipynb) via the command
sage -n export

A big advantage of Jupyter notebooks is that it is very easy to share them 
online provided they are stored in some public repository, like github or 
gitlab: non-interactive versions are displayed with
while interactive ones are launched via  binder. <>
You can see many examples here 
<> (nbviewer) or here 

Best wishes,


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