Well, if memory is really an issue, you can avoid the creation of the 
intermediate tensor fields uR and dR by writing

gc = g.components()
igc = g.inverse().components()
Rc = R.components()
kr = 0
for a in M.irange():
    for b in M.irange():
        for c in M.irange():
            for d in M.irange():
                for i in M.irange():
                    for j in M.irange():
                        for k in M.irange():
                            for l in M.irange():
                                kr += gc[[a, i]]*igc[[b, j]]*igc[[c, k]]*igc
[[d, l]] \
                                      *Rc[[i, b, c, d]]*Rc[[a, j, k, l]]

It is certainly more efficient in term of memory, but less efficient in 
term of CPU time, since the symmetries of the Riemann tensor are not taken 
into account in the above writing.

Best wishes,


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