
I've recently started using SageMath as part my Masters Research into 
Mutually Unbiased Bases. I'm able to generate these Basis using finite 
fields traces and complex  roots of unity, but I am running into efficiency 
issue. I would like to do some exact calculations(mostly matrix 
multiplication), with these Bases/Matrices that I am generating, but the 
calculations are taking a long time for even small orders, I would like to 
at the very least work with matrices 25*25. Now I understand that long 
computation time is expected with exact calculations but I am wondering if 
I have implemented the construction poorly?

I've seen sage has some inbuilt parallel computing ability but am unsure 
what if anything is natively parallel in sage and what I would need to do 
myself. I did  try searching the docs  to find out  what might be natively 
parallel but couldn't find anything. I am considering looking into 
HPC/parallel/AWS as solutions to help me calculate slightly larger orders 
but not sure how viable and easy this would be?   

I'd also like to be  able to simplify the complex number entries in my 
matrices into polar form both for readability in the output and I thought 
it may improve efficiency in the calculations? 

I've attached the Notebook I am working in which I have hopefully well 
commented enough to understand. 

 I would appreciate any feedback people would have for a Sage newbie.

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Attachment: MUBs.ipynb
Description: Binary data

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