And also

sage: log(*2*,x)


which goes a long ways to explain the previous results.  So log(2,x) is not 
actually log to the base 2 of x.

On Saturday, July 18, 2020 at 11:45:06 AM UTC-7, Michael Beeson wrote:
> sage: n(log(*2*,*408*/*370*))
> 7.08999206263157
> sage: log(*2*,*2*)
> 1
> sage: *2*^*7*
> 128
> sage: n(log(*2*,*408.0*/*370*))
> 7.08999206263157
> sage: version()
> 'SageMath version 8.7, Release Date: 2019-03-23'
> sage: n(log(*2*,*1.001*))
> 693.493696416899
> sage:log(2,1)  gives an error instead of 0.

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