On Nov 29, Simon King wrote:
Hi Reimundo,

On 2020-11-29, 'Reimundo Heluani' via sage-support 
<sage-support@googlegroups.com> wrote:
Well, in the Noetherian case this works fine. The setup I need is a
non-noetherian algebra: a polynomial differential algebra, that is polynomials
in x_1,...,x_n and all of their formal derivatives. So this is a polynomial
algebra infinitely generated by variables x_i^{(j)} for 1 <= i <= n and 0 <=

I see. But this probably means that we are talking about two different
notions of supercommutative algebra.

I really mean a finitely generated polynomial algebra in which some
generators anti-commute among each other.

For the non-Noetherian case, I am not so sure if some implementation is
available. What I said about SCA in Singular *is* about Noetherian

We are talking about the same notions, I have my own implementation of the super or non-super non-Noetherian case. But If I want to compute the Hilbert series, say up to order n, then I divide by the ideal generated by all n+1-derivatives. This produces a polynomial algebra that I can feed to libsingular and ask for a groebner basis. I can do this in the non-super case, but not in the super case currently. R.
I need to compute Hilbert series of differential ideals, that is ideals
generated by some elements of the above plus all of their derivatives.

This works fine in the commutative case, since I can compute grobner bases up
to arbtitrary degree and ask for the hilbert series up to that degree. But I
couldn't get it to work in the super-commutative case.

I associate three things with it -- but I'm not sure if one of them helps.

1. There are differential algebras in Singular, but again they seem to
  be finitely generated algebras. See
  but I haven't been able to turn this into an example using the
  pexpect interface.
2. There are several implementations of FreeAlgebra in Sage. One of them
  is based on "letterplace", which is provided by Singular. It allows you
  to choose non-negative integer weights and can compute Gröbner bases out
  to any finite degree, *BUT* it only works for weighted-homogeneous
  ideals (and in fact it won't even let you create an element that isn't
  weighted homogeneous). No idea if it is possible to formulate your
  problem in this very restricted setting.
3. There is a so-called InfinitePolynomialRing in Sage and it can
  compute so-called symmetric Gröbner bases. But probably it doesn't
  match your needs at all, as it is commutative, and the ideals under
  consideration need to be "symmetric" in the sense that your algebra
  has indexed series of generators x_1, x_2, x_3, ..., y_1, y_2, y_3, ...,
  and when you take any element of your ideal and apply any permutation of
  {1,2,3,...} to all indices of the generators, than you again get an
  element of your ideal.

But I'm afraid it seems your use case isn't covered.

Best regards,

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